complete sentences 10 ptss :D?

1)while stanley was driving in the country , he almost _____ a deer.

A)was hitting

B) has hit

C)had hit


2)As soon celeste heard the baby cry, she ____ him up.

A) picked

B) had picked

C)was picking

D)has picked

3)Richard ______ the ocean before he went to Miami for a conference.

A) has never seen

B)had never seen

C) never sees

D)was never seeing

4)pete and shellay _______ very happy together never since they had their first date a year ago. In fAct, they annouced their engagement last saturday.

A) Were

B)have been


D) had been

5)The company president has just retired. She has already sold her house in the suburbs because she _______ to a small beach house in Florida next month.

A) Will move

B) Will have moved

C) Moves

D) is moving

6)Our syllabus for biology class is so dense. By the time we finish this class, we _______ enough about biology to enter medical school!


B)have learned

C)Will learn

D)Will have learned

7)The last time we _______ our family in California, there was a huge power outage all over the state.


B) had visited

C) have visited

D) Visit

8)Kazuo keeps studying. He has his bachelor's degree, a master's degree, a PhD, and now he’s a post-doctoral fellow at Stanford. By the time he finishes this fellowship, he _______ for twenty-five years!

A) had been studying

B") has been studying

C) will be studying

D) will have been studying

9)The thief stole the TV, the DVD player, the computer, and the printer while we _______. Nobody heard a thing!

A) Have been sleeping

B) Have slept

C) were sleeping

D) had slept

10) It was April 13, 1952. The march began at daybreak. By evening the soldiers were exhausted. They ___________ since dawn in the hot, dry sun and still had a long way to go before they could find water and a place to rest.

A)are amrching

B) were marching

C) had been amrching

D)have been marching

11)The acrobat was amazing. First he did a headstand. While he _______ on his head, he started to juggle five oranges with his feet. He did this for a whole minute!


B) was standing

C) stood

D) had been standing

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