i'm really depressed for no rational reason whatsoever.
I've distanced myself from friends but i dont want to do it anymore because i'm afraid they're going to be misled by my intentions of withdrawal.
i have issues going on at home with my parents. there's a battle every day. i get discouraged to do anything outside of the house or to talk to anyone without putting on a mask.
yet there are times when i'm feeling back up to par and contact my friends for an outing or a mere phone call. Then i go back into my dark hole.
i need professional help. but i don't have the money for it. i want to take either painkillers or sleeping pills to the point where i vomit as an excuse to go to the hospital, then to be admitted to theraphy... i dont know any other plan
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Maybe a clinic in your area can give you options for low cost or free mental help!
u didn't give an age but since u r still at home i would guess u r a teen. most teens go through some sort of depression, that is normal. u do need your friends though. talk to them maybe they have some ideas u didn't think of. if they are arguing with u tell them u don't want to fight. maybe u just don't understand what they want or they don't understand what u r trying to tell them. keep trying. if u r with friends u shouldn't have to hide the hurt, talk it out with them if they are friends they will try to be there for u if they aren't they will say things like grow up or stop whining. call your doctor's office and ask to speak to your doctors nurse ask if she knows of any clinics close to home u can go to. some are free thru social services. someone needs to be aware that u r considering killing yourself. since u know u need professional help, that is a good start. tell your parents something severe like if they don't lighten up they will miss u when u r dead and walk away this may be enough to get them interested in getting u some help. death isn't the answer. if u don't do it right u could be worse off than dead. keep trying til u get help but don't shut yourself in, u really need your friends right now. good luck. hugs
You will get help if you tell the right person how you are feeling.
You might not need to go into hospital.
Go with the mask off to your doctor or, to your local mental health center. Tell the truth ok and you will get the help you so much need.ok
Don't take tablets to get yourself admitted (because you could get forced to take meds if you are sectioned and that,you don't want)
Also, because I know of a person who had JUST toothache who only took a few and died.
Messing with tablets isn't good you could give yourself liver damage and be hooked up to a blood filter 7 days a week.
I hope you take my advice and do see your doctor or similar..
What you are feeling is very "normal"
for what you have been through.
Remember that..
Hope this helps you to go find help.
Good luck and let me know If you can.
Live life from the Laws of Attraction. You can make anything you want happen with manifestation. Everyone has tough times, but you won't always be there. Remember that. Life could be worse right now. You could be homeless and hungry, but doesn't sound like your life is that bad. I don't even know you and care about you enough to tell you that life is very much worth living. If you need to talk to someone you can email me. [email protected].
Things will get beter.
I can really relate to how you feel, my parents think I am the biggest dissapointment ever. I have no "real" friends, they just use me, I'm not smart. Or pretty or anything, I am just the most pathetic person on the planet. I feel very suicidal too, infact all I've been thinking about this week was ways to kill myself, I think if we just have someone to talk to we'll feel alot better, because I dont have anyone I trust to talk to, so do you want to talk? maybe it can help the both of us.
God never puts more on us than we can bare. Go see a counselor and talk about your problems. These depressive feelings that you are having are all in your mind. You have to fight them, and turn to a source of help, because after the dark, comes the light. Things will get better. Do not kill yourself.
Your friends may be the very people that you need to talk with to pull yourself out from this. See if you can hang out with them more and go out with them. See if you can take up some interests so that you are not at home all of the time.
focus on the positive
distract your self for instance
I'm 16 i've been paralyzed for 3 years, i can't walk, i can't urinate without the use of catheter, i can't crap, oh i can't feel anything below my nipple Anything!, I have no Future i'm going to be stuck in this house until i die, i am useless and can't hardly do anything on my own
compare your life to other people i do, i have control of my arms, i'm not in a poverty stricken country, I can enjoy things, i'm alive, i have family, my stomach is full, not hungry, not thirsty, all sorts of good things like that
everyone's though process is different
It seems that you are very much depressed thinking of external factors. The remedy is to be your own best friend. Keep faith in God and surrender to his plan. Beleive that whatever is happenning around is Maya[ fictitious], the truth is in discovering your Atma. Then protect it with spirituality [Adhyatma] and you will be close to God [Parmatma]. This will give you peace courage and eternal bliss
you don't have to self induce yourself with medication to go to the hospital, if you can't open up to your friends you could go to the hospital and see a social worker and try opening up to him/her, they are trained to handle this situation, and suicide is not the answer, take some time to think about what you care about and what could and does motivate you, you will do great, believe me i have been through the system