Corporal Punishment Debate?

Im a freshman taking a debate class . The debate is on corporal punishment its a lincoln douglous debate & im affirmative.

Im currently working on the outline but i dont know what the statment of proposition , preview of proposition , core value and value criteria are .

Help Please

This is what i have so far .

I. Opening the case

A. Punishment is a critical component in becoming who you are. Have you ever heard people say, because of the things I went through I became the person I am today? Because of the things I have learned not to do or the things that are frowned upon, I became the person I am now. It’s a form of tough love.

Corporal punishment means that breaking rules is punished by some physical hurt. Corporal punishment is a good tool for disciplining unruly children. Regardless of what the experts preached, it’s an undeniable fact that corporal punishment produces more civilized young people. Today, foul language and assaults against teachers are routine in many schools. Corporal punishment teaches students that there are real consequences for their actions. Children are not in school to have fun, we’re there to learn and behave so that we may contribute to society when the time comes. Corporal punishment can ethically help save a child's future. Spanking is used every day on children if they deserve it. Punishment is necessary. Sometimes students come from families who are too soft on them and do not discipline them enough, so their teachers need to take the task of setting boundaries. For these types of students, corporal punishment’s helpful.

Today, it's not uncommon for young criminals to be arrested, counseled and released to the custody of a parent. If you interviewed such a person and asked: "Thinking back to when you started your life of crime, would you have preferred a punishment, such as a being caned, that might have set you straight or be where you are today?" I'd bet that he'd say he wished someone had caned some sense into him. That being the case, which is crueler: caning or allowing such a person to become a criminal?"

The general standard of student behavior and test results in many schools has declined since the state banned corporal punishment. Many teachers in Britain believe that is because corporal punishment was an efficient way of dealing with misbehaving students

B. Preview

1. Presentation of proposition

A. Statement of proposition

Definition of terms

Physical punishment- any form of penalty in a judicial, educational or domestic setting that takes a physical form, by the infliction on the offender of pain, injury, discomfort or humiliation

Corporal punishment- a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer

2. Presentation and explanation of standards of judgment

A. Core values

B. Value criteria

3. Forecast of contentions

A. First contention/ piece of evidence

II. Developing the case

A. Contention 1

Discipline should be just and swift, whatever the location or situation. The child should learn something from the type of punishment implemented. And if association works, why not use it? Corporal punishment is swift and effective and is better than other forms of punishment, such as detentions or suspensions, the student can go right back to class and not interrupt their learning process. Out of school suspension “rewards “misbehaving students with a free holiday. And it usually takes time for a suspension to go through. What does a child learn from an action taken many days after the offense? Nothing!

B. Contention 2

Physical Punishment can bring order to chaotic schools as it did for John C. Calhoun Elementary.

In 2006 David Nixon took over John C. Calhoun Elementary in Calhoun Hills, South Carolina. As punishment for Children who were dismissed to his office for major offenses, such as fighting or stealing, were told to place both hands on the seat of a leather chair and brace for what Nixon calls "a whippin'." Before he begins he sits the child down for a quiet talk about why he, or she, is in trouble. He tries to determine if a deeper issue, such as a problem at home is the cause for the child’s misbehavior. If the child shows remorse, Nixon will often send him or her back to class without a spanking. Otherwise, he makes sure he is calm, and he makes sure his elbow is still. He then delivers "three licks" to the child's rear end. Some of the kids cry. Some are silent. Some want a hug. Afterwards the child is sent back to class.

Before David Nixon took over "John C," student behavior had gotten so bad that one teacher described it as "chaos." She eventually quit in disgust, pulled her own child from the school, and moved to a different one 45 minutes away. When Nixon went to his first PTO meeting, only about a dozen parents showed

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