i have to write a 6 page paper on the views of the Democratic and Republican Parties on the American economy. Specifically Business Growth and unemployment, and i could use some help. as much information and links as possible would be much appreciated, thank you. both sides' views have to be equally and truthfully taken into effect. thank you guys for ur help.
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interior the context as US electorate in many cases use them: One occasion of a liberal economic view could be nicely-known well being care controlled via the government. that is a socialistic concept that leans a ways left, the place American liberals stay. A liberal social view could be professional-selection with regard to abortion, as you stated. another examples are investment for stem cellular analyze, the separation of church and state, and the coaching of evolution as fact at school structures.
Here's 6 words: Republicans responsible; liberals wasteful corrupt liars.
you can't borrow yourself out of debt