I got braces at a rather young age, and I like it because I am now going into my graduating year and all my other friends are getting braces, and I won't have them! That being said, because I was so young, my teeth did move slightly, and I got some small calcium buildups on my teeth, though I brushed properly and often. I made the mistake of not wearing my retainer often enough, so if they get braces, ensure that they always wear their retainer!
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I got braces at a rather young age, and I like it because I am now going into my graduating year and all my other friends are getting braces, and I won't have them! That being said, because I was so young, my teeth did move slightly, and I got some small calcium buildups on my teeth, though I brushed properly and often. I made the mistake of not wearing my retainer often enough, so if they get braces, ensure that they always wear their retainer!
Of course. I got braces when I was nine so she'll be fine. It kind of hurts after getting them, but other than that it's painless. ~The Artist