I'm a little worried that I may have Diabetes.
I'm in my early teen years, and I have been drinking SO much this past month. It seems like I'm never not thirsty (if that makes sense), I have been really weak lately. I have other medical issues (i have had two surgeries, one being a back surgery, the other being a brain surgery) but the symptoms I am having aren't symptoms of my disease.
Is it possible that I could have diabetes?
Update:I just noticed that "I drink SO much" sounds like beer, but NO!! Im only a teenager! I mean like drinking SOO much water & stuff like that.
Oh & also, I have been hungry 24/7 lately!!
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How To Keep Diabetes at Bay (Healthy Tips)
Diabetes cannot be cured; and it is a debilitating disease as it can lead to many other types of serious and fatal diseases. If you are diabetic, you are also likely to suffer from obesity, kidney diseases, vascular diseases, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. These are all complications that come from having diabetes. But if you change your lifestyle and diet now, you can lower your risk of becoming another statistic.
Warning Sign of Diabetes (Healthy Tips)
- Frequent urination
- Excessive thirst
- Increased hunger
- Fatigue
- Lack of interest and concentration
- Blurred vision
- Vomiting and stomach pain (often mistaken as the flu)
Top 10 Tips For Beating Diabetes
#1: Steer Clear of These Foods That Pack on The Pounds
#2: Get Moving
#3: Get Rid of Belly Fat
#4: Add In More Of These Belly-Busting Foods
#5: Boost Your Burn With 7-Keto Supplements
#6: Blast Away Fat With Forskolin
#7: Snooze to Lose
#8: Sip Some Black Tea
#9: Balance Blood Sugar With Chromium and Magnesium
#10: Chomp On Celery
The chances are there. Actually Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless. Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.
Some diabetes symptoms include:
Frequent urination
Excessive thirst
Extreme hunger
Unusual weight loss
Increased fatigue
Blurry vision
If you have one or more of these diabetes symptoms, see your doctor right away.
#1 Food That Reverses Diabetes : http://help.diabetesgogo.com/
Just go to the doctor and have yourself checked out. The doctor will let you know if you have it or not. Diabetes is a very serious issue, both my parents died from it. I am 49 years old and I had myself and my 22 year old daughter checked for it, fortunately we dont have it. However my 85 year old aunt has had it since she was born and she watches her diet and she takes good care of herself, if you are concerned just tell your parents to get yourself checked. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
when you say "i have been drinking SO much.." do you mean beer? because beer makes you thirstier
well anyway, you usually increase your chances of getting diabetes if you eat a lot of sugar. if you start to have dramatic weight loss you might have diabetes. but once you are diagnosed with diabetes its not too much of a problem. its toleratable
Here are tips for a diabetes diet that will prove helpful in controlling blood sugar levels:
1. Make wise food choices: The best tip for a diabetes diet focuses on choosing healthy food options instead of foods full of fats, carbohydrates, starch, sugar, and so on. For example, eat whole grain breads and cereals instead of refined flour.
2. Limit sweets: Substituting sugary foods with other healthy alternatives such as fruit instead of ice-cream or pudding ranks second among our diabetes diet tips.
3. Limit consumption of alcohol: Alcoholic drinks have no nutritional value, but contain a lot of calories.
4. Eat less fat: Instead of butter or vegetable oils, use olive oil for cooking. Avoid fried foods; eat baked or grilled food instead.
5. Eat plenty of whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables: Include greater amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, as these provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
6. Eat often: Do not starve yourself or remain hungry, as this will encourage you to overeat when you do eat. This diet tip for diabetes will prevent hypoglycemia, the risky condition where sugar level in the blood falls below the normal range.
7. Carefully control your intake of carbohydrates: Starches, fruits, and milk groups contain the highest amount of carbohydrates. Vegetables are low in carbohydrates.
8. Eat a set amount of food: Do not overeat, nor starve yourself. Make use of measuring cups and spoons to ensure that your food servings are the right size.
9. Stick to regular meal times: The best tip for a diabetes diet is to eat at regular intervals. Regular eating habits help your body regulate blood sugar levels.
10. Avoid temptation: Keep your kitchen free of enticing food items.