Obama made a big hoopla about getting Richardson on board and getting Latinos heard in Washington. Now that he's picked another "old white guy" can we expect a lot of Latinos to become even more disenchanted with Obama? My cousin called as soon as he found out about Biden and said that he is now completely certain that he's not voting for Obama. I understand that there's a lot of racism between Latinos and Blacks but Obama had a chance to heal some of those issues and now he might have made it even worse. What do y'all think?
Update:Latinos haven't really ever been predominately Dem. They have historically voted 2-1 Dem but have never gone beyond the 66% for Dems. Over the past decade they have been steadily moving into the Rep column and making sure that they are still looked at, unlike blacks who vote 98% Dem and are taken for granted by Dems and ignored by Reps. My point is that Obama could have put more states (NM, NV, MI) into play and forced McCain to spend money in states that he shouldn't be worried about at all (TX, AZ).
Update 3:Ms Lily, you're right about the black vote but if you look at the trends of Latinos in the past decade and look at the fact that it's been social issues (same sex marriage, abortion, school vouchers) why they've started making that migration into the Rep column then I would not come any where near saying that Obama has the Latino vote. I think he missed a golden opportunity here. I'm not saying he had to go with a Latino but at least go with someone who's popular with them. Instead he went with Biden, from Delaware who doesn't deal with a Latino population and thus isn't known in the Latino community.
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Bad choice-should have gone with someone who would have helped him in a battleground state and not someone who said he wasn't experienced enough to be president.
Obama takes care of the minority needs of the ticket by himself. With the tea party splitting the Republicans, Obama just needs to hold the party together, he won't find anyone better at selling the Democrats than Joe Biden. The only person capable of keeping Obama from a second term is Obama. Takes a lot to unseat an incumbent, stock market crash, hostage crisis, he hasn't done it yet, but for some unknown reason he's tasting the waters.
This is another case of using the old Reverse Psychology tricks. Trying to turn Latinos and Blacks against each other. Nice try but it's not going to work. Blacks have no problems with Latinos and vice-versa. Latinos haven't caused any problems with Blacks and Blacks haven't caused any problems with Latinos. It's people like you who are trying to stir up trouble like always. You are trying to be slick or sly.
I think he has Richardson in mind for Sec. of State. He'd be FANTASTIC in that position. If he can get Richardson out there actively campaigning for him, that should help with the Latino vote.
I hate we're dividing votes by race so much though. Doesn't anybody vote for the who they feel is the best candidate any more or is it all about voting someone of your particular race or culture ?
This is another democratic imposter, someone is always just geting off the phone with a relative that's mad...or some rumor that was heard,just please stop the smear campaign, everyone knows Obama has the hispanic vote, the women vote, the black vote
Other than Latinos being predominately Democratic, I never knew why they would not choose McCain. He has a much better record on issues that are important to them. Looks like they may rediscover that and cross over in greater numbers.
I'm sorry, but there's only so many people Obama can pick. If he picked a Latino, some White people would be mad. if he picked Hillary, some independents and crossover Republicans would be mad. He can't satisfy everyone, and nobody can expect him to pick exactly who they want, especially when the odds are unlikely.
The Obama team also did much to keep Puerto Ricans from voting in the primaries. I think he can forget about the latino/latina vote.
Latinos don't trust McCain and they sure don't trust any Rep. 83% are voting for Obama. Biden has nothing to do with it.