Well hubby and I had the discussion and have decided to circumcise. My little guy is 4 weeks old so we need to get it done right away. I always thought I would want to do it no questions, but then when I had him....my thoughts changed and I really didn't want to do that to him, but after a "heated" discussion with hubby last night, it's being done.
If you had your little one circumcised, how was it done, how long was the healing process and what level of discomfort do you believe your little one suffered?
Update:don't get me wrong, I'm not looking to discuss anybody's genitals, it's the "process" I'm interested in and hearing of others "experiences" .... somebody's genitals are not my concern, I'm simply looking for information from real people until I can get in to the doctor.
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Yes, my son was. After reading all the medical facts I decided it was more of a benefit to him (less infections etc) It was done in the hospital the day before we were discharged. They used pain killer to numb the area and gave him tylenol as well. He wasn't crying when they brought him back into the room and he never had any problems. As long as it is kept clean and you remember to put some vaseline on there to help it not stick to the diaper he will be fine.
Yes, my son was circumcised the day after he was born. They used this this called Plastibell Circumcision Device. Out of a few of my friends that had their kid circumcised this was by far the way to go. I am not sure if they can still do it at 4 weeks old but I don't really see why not. There is no cleaning involved and when the penis has healed, it will just fall off. Very similar to the umbilical cord. Check out the info (link below) on it and ask your doctor. It is amazing. Good luck!
Both of my LO's were circumcised. My husband is Jewish and I am Lutheran so we decided to raise the kids Jewish. They were circumcised 8 days after they were born at our synagogue. The healing process takes about 1-2 weeks and it might get infected so take very good care of it. If you have any more questions you should ask your doctor. I don't know what his comfort level was but he cried but it wasn't a pure scream so I don't really know.
I had my son two months ago..and he was 6weeks premature so i spent A lot of time in Nicu...we decided not to circumcise him after i saw a few babies get it down...they did it right in the room and the cries i heard i swear it tore my heart apart i would never ever be able to put my son in pain even if its just for a few Min's and he wont remember it. there is really no reason to circumcise and i think conflicting pain on your little one is just awful...but that's just my opinion...im sure if you were in my place and heard those cries you would change your mind in a heart beat
I had both of my sons circumcised and it seems like it possibly could be painful because they do cry but demand that they numb him first, afterwards use lots of vaseline on the tip where the skin is cut off to prevent it from sticking to his diaper. Both of my sons did fine but I did feel bad after each one. I did it because hygiene is much better without the foreskin and later in life it will be better for them in the locker rooms, sex etc.
I think you should talk to your sons dr. about this because on here your going to get lots of negative answers! My son was circumcised the day after he was born i was not present i did not see any of it but they did explain the procedure with me! There babies they are not going to remember but i wouldn't do it to a 4wk old they brought my son to me immediately after it was done and he seemed fine it took about a week for it to heal keeping it clean and applying Vaseline! 2 weeks later he had staph diaper(MRSA) and in my opinion if i knew that would happen i would have never had him circumcised because i am sure thats how he got it!!!!!!
I have a girl, but had I have given birth to a boy, I would not have circumcized. The vast majority of males have no need to have it done. If the need develops, it can always be done later. It's going to hurt no matter what age it is done, so I don't know why someone would intentionally hurt a newborn baby without a need.
I am beyond appaled and perplexed by the women who think boys should "match" their fathers.
Around 40% of boys aren't circumsized anymore, so it's not like they will face ridicule in the locker room. Well, at least for that.
I circumcised my son, because his cousing wasn't and had to get it done because of medical reasons. The poor kid was in so much discomfort. I just didn't want to put my son through that. It heals around the same time the belly button falls off.
No, neither of my sons are circumcised. I didn't feel that it was my place to have surgery preformed on their penises without medical reason. There are no medical associations that recommend circumcision, including the American Academy of Pediatrics: "benefits are not sufficient for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to recommend that all infant boys be circumcised." From this link: http://www.circinfosite.com/32.html
I'm curious about your "heated" discussion with our husband. I would be interested in hearing his reasons for circumcising. I would also like to know if he feels the same way after seeing the medical information on this site:
You know, it honestly disgusts me that I would get thumbs down for choosing not to preform or support needless cosmetic surgery on my son's genitals. I hate the overall US view of circumcision. Only about 10% of the rest of the world is circumcised, and (with the exception of third world Africa) they have fewer STDs and UTIs. FEWER.
Americans are just obsessed with the circumcised penis, and they're willing to tout any potential medical benefit they can find in order to support it. It is NOT medically necessary in most situations, and there is NO medical organization that supports it for infants on a routine basis.
heya hun
im really against having my son circumzised but i wont go into that too much
my main resons are that my fiance was circumsized and he hates it, he has a huge scar around his willy, and and it has resulted in that area not being as sensitive, in order to 'arrive' shall we say, it takes so so so long and usually results in his finishing off himself.(imagine ttc!!!)
and of course, after suffering so many years its got into his head now.
its not a huge issue, and we r lucky in the fact that it doesnt bothe rme but he has had upsetting experiences in the past.
of course, this was performed 25yrs ago.
this is just the experience of my fiance but i wouldnt get it done
in the uk its really not the 'done' thing and i dont know any1 that was circumsized purley because thier parents wanted it done x
the people i know had to be for other reasons
best wishes x
EDIT: oh i read this wrong, i thought u were asking for experiences lol. can u tell its friday? lol xx