I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Obama is doing his best to relate to the American public. He also wants to help get this country educated. (And judging from some of today's questions on here, we need the education and some enlightenment.)
Update:Yes, he did make a mistake, but he had a lot of good and funny things to say, too. He was also quick to apolgize. At least he wasn't afraid to be himself and I appreciate that the most about him.
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Unfortunately I missed it, but saw it online. I, too, appreciate his desire to be ONE with the people and just be himself, despite his lofty position.
He and his family truly PERSONALIZE AND humanize the Presidency and that makes me feel more like he UNDERSTANDS and can relate to most of us.
For those who are saying we are in crisis and he's on a talk show I have 2 questions:
1) What else do you want him to do? He already sign the stimulus plan so now you wait for the plan to take effect. If it works great, if it doesn't then you can tell him to f*ck off in 2012. Till then shut the f*ck up. It's a Democracy, majority rule. Majority voted for him over your lame *** candidate. Get with it or move then. No one will miss you.
2) What would John McCain have done that would be so much better? What was his stimulus plan be? And would it have cured EVERYTHING by now like you are expecting Obama's plan to do? If Obama is such a tool why can't the Republicans come up with someone that can defeat him? Oh that's right you guys are bigger tools. Oh I forgot the Rep gave us Dubya. The greatest human being ever lived.
For the most part yes, and I am so sick of so many sitting around looking for slips and mistakes. He is a man and just as intitled to make blurps and blumders as you are. I'm glad he is comfortable enough in his own skin to go on Leno's show. I loved the comment about the D-fib, ambulance, caboose etc. being in the masses of people that go with him all the time. I am also anxious to see what kind of dog they end up with.
I just hope that he doesnt get his role confused between president and tv personality. He seemed very at ease joking with Leno but the Special Olympics comment was offensive. I cant imagine him commenting like that. Sometimes people just cant be coached enough to eliminate their real feelings popping out. No one should think that special needs people are to be joked about. That's insensitive and rude no matter what your job title.
I was offended by his comment concerning Special Olympics. As a mother of a handicapped child that has also been a part of Special Olympics over the years, I thought it was a rude comment, not to mention the ignorance of the audience laughing over the comment. Looks like Biden's gaffes are trickling down to Obama. This one was a duzey. I was not amused, and do not find amusement at the expense of others acceptable. I don't care if it had been Bush or anyone else, this was uncalled for. Obama sure isn't relating to this Amerian mother when he makes comments in ignorance such as this.
I heard the special olympics comment and saw that it was not good.
My favorite was about the dog, campaign promise. I laughed out loud.
I was disappointed in what I heard, as it was just a typical political
banter and nothing insightful. Why wasn't he told of AIG's actions early
on before it hit the media? And where were his advisors to mention
the partys and squandering of the money given? His only reasoning I
heard, was that if they failed, the banking system failed. There should
have been some provisio to cancel out any bonus spending, in liew of
our national debt, regardless of any agreement that AIG has with it's
corporate officers, both active and retired.
I turned it off early as we couldn't take anymore. I consider this a
national disaster, and I wonder if anymore goofs like this, will lead to
Obamas' leaving the oval office.
Yes it was funny. He screwed up though.(Special Olympics) He will have to mea culpa.
I for one loved seeing our President on Leno. I think any of you people who keep trying to blame this mess on Democrats need to look in a mirror and repeat this, George Bush made this mess that the new President is attempting to fix. Got that people. Your George Bush made this mess and no matter what you keep saying about Obama, the majority of us know how to read, we know the facts. By making fun of Obama's name shows how shallow a person some are here. Acting like a 9 year old kid. Stop and think about how the government works. All decisions of this President go before congress and debated. That is where the monkey wrenches get thrown into the works.
I was asked to do a yahoo survey this morning and I told all of what goes on here with a few of our contributors. The slander,insults,rude and concesending remards about nationality. I think that 86 guy must have been raised on welefare or he wouldn't have such an attitude. I reported him on this survey several times. Hope it works to make our site more user friendly as it was intended to be. The Yahoo, asked me my opinion on how to make this site better and I told them.
i though it was a great show.i really enjoyed it,but i was tired when i got up this mourning.i am use to going to bed a 10:00 pm.so i had to take a nap today.