to an A.T.M.? Obama is now blamin' technological advances for unemployment.
Or are A.T.M.'s doing jobs 'Americans won't do" ?
Update:@ Lucifur: You're mistaken, amigo. I understand perfectly well what little Barrys' purpose was in making that statement. It's diversionary, intended to get everyone to take their eyes off the wrecking ball that is his administration. Never mind the fact that it's his policies that are retarding job growth, ie, draconian regulations, the never ending tax hike proposals, the uncertainty of future legislation, and the fact that the left refuses to stem the tide of illegal immigration, hence the 'jobs Americans won't do' line that seems to have gone over everyones' head. You think that maybe Americans would do those jobs if Uncle Sap didn't make it so easy for those that refuse to work to leech of the public.
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Barack Obama will grasp at anything to blame his abyssal presidency on.He also believes the american people are stupid (and anyone that supports the anti american Marxist is) and will believe this latest attempt at laying blame ANYWHERE but where it belongs, him.
Nope, but then again, a lot of unskilled manufacturing jobs are being lost to Automation in the manufacturing sector. Then again, on NPR the host of one of the shows couldn't believe that we have a shortage of skilled manufacturing positions from CNC machinists to qualified welders.
The stats that the Feds have released show that this last recession hurt the unskilled workers the most and it looks like being unskilled will keep you unemployed a lot longer. During the past recession those with at least a four year degree had an average unemployment of roughly 4%.
My job was outsourced to India where a salary is almost nonexistent. Obama is actually right, automation has caused a lot of unemployment, just ask auto makers and factory workers. Automation was supposed to help people do their jobs better, not eliminate them completely, which is fast becoming the norm. You don't have to pay a machine to work, and they can do a job 24/7...and you can't do that, now can you. Believe it or not, I've even seen an automated chef.
I am not an Obama fan, but fair is fair. Why don't we have anymore "full service" gas station attendants anymore? Because they are not needed. Those jobs went away too. It's a sign of the times. Why are bargain supermarkets with no checkers doing so well? Because the money they save in employee salaries is reflected in the cost of their groceries. You just have to bag them yourself. It is what it is.
No. I lost my job to China because our corporate slaves, the congress that is supposed to represent US, allows companies to import parts, goods, and services without tariffs.
My employer closed our plant because they could get inferior parts from their Chinese operation for about 50 cents less.
It's a well-known fact that automation reduces labor.
I've seen dozens of business cases for automation, and they ALL include a significant amount of job cuts.
well he is right
we need to set our country up for the next revolution boom
not try and get back industry's that we are already evolved passed
look to the future
remember the past
don't try to relive it.
Well I believe Obama is right in this one....
Say what? You are not understanding what is meant by his statement.