I have heard this so I was hoping to get some thoughtful responses on the topic?
Update:Just me-Hard for me to understand? Might that be an ad-hominem attack which invalidates your entire position? Did you understand that?
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Every time I hear someone imply this I laugh because it only shows their own racism.
You'll very often hear this from Republicans and Conservatives in general, but whenever you ask them to explain WHY they think this way, they'll almost ALWAYS respond with
"because they always bring race into the discussion"
Basically, they respond by covertly admitting that talking about coloured people makes them uncomfortable. However, if racism truly was dead, and if there were no ill sentiments left among Americans, then Republicans and Conservatives wouldn't hesitate to address issues of racial bias as a means of setting the record straight. Why would you be uncomfortable talking about issues that don't apply to you?
Simple, because many of them ARE racist, and will do anything to keep that fact from coming to light.
If you ever talk to a White Conservative about race, they'll INVARIABLY talk about "affirmative action" and "entitlement programmes", programmes intended to "right past and present wrongs" as a way of justifying any resentment towards Blacks that they might have. Or, they'll try to derail your argument by saying that "we have a Black president"...even though they themselves didn't vote for said president. And if all else fails, they'll just accuse you of "reverse racism" or tell you that you're "living in the past" or "need to get over it".
So in a sense I guess Dems do perpetuate racism, if only by exposing the real racists on the other side of the aisle.
Actually no. Republicans love to play the blame game. It's so funny. The blame the recession on blacks, remember that? Now, one of their mantras "Stop supporting special interest groups" but what are special interest groups? Oh, it's the minorities, right?
The Republican or the Conservative lost majority Hispanic voters due to the quasi racist target of the immigration bill that they support. But, you have Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck making racial remarks towards to Black and other minorities and those hatemongers are die hard mouth pieces for the Republican Party.
Democratic party is being smart. By taking on those who are wrongfully targeted and ignored by the Republican party. Yeah, they're about to win more seats in congress but they're lacking a prospect or candidate to match or compete against Obama for the 2012 election.
They certainly bring it into every discussion.
I have been accused of being racist because I support sound fiscal policy. Where is the connection?
If Liberals honestly believed that Racism was a serious issue, why have I never heard a Liberal attack another Democrat over race? There are certainly just as many racist Democrats as Republicans in this country. I see them on the South side of my city. My girlfriend is Black and she claims that is by far the worst neighborhood and it's a 100% Democratic District. Nothing from Libs. Zip.
Spend a few hours on here and you would know the answer is a resounding yes. Granted it has become less prevalent than it was since I guess the left has figured out it is not a valid argument to call a person racist for saying they do not agree with Obama's agenda.
Democrats are not blatantly racists in the since that they marginalize groups of people directly. What they do is enable people's need to depend on government for all aspects of their lives. This justifies over-taxation and government control.
Black liberals are "Uncle Toms" only like MLK jr. they have bought you out and admit your inferiority. Why else could blacks desire to combine into the super white societies somewhat of build their own?
Yes, by targeting minorities with federal entitlements and partial treatment in government funded programs. Such unfair actions lead to ill feelings between people groups.
Democrats also, through their demonization of the wealthy and successful, perpetuate class warfare, exemplified in the progressive tax system we have.
You need to stop listening to faux news.
I know the other channels are hard for you to understand but really.
so that is your button.
Yousa need da stoppa dat der edumacated bs.
Yes, the party of tolerance is no longer very tolerant. So they promote racism to change the conversation from policy failures to race issues even after we have elected a black man to the Presidency, have a black supreme court justice, have black congressmen and women, and have accepted interracial marriages as normal.
They fought the GOP for civil rights so I don't know where you're getting your disinformation.
Notice how republicans accuse the democrats of the very thing they're doing.