when you consider the infanticide and genocide and other acts of vanity and jealousy attributable to him.?
If so, why should God be considered as a worthy role model to be used in schools?
Isnt it a bit like teaching that Hitler must have done good deeds as well as bad, even though they paled into insignificance,under all the bad stuff?
Update:I mean the acts of genocide and infanticde as covered in the bible
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but there's many believers who think that God's good and rationalize/ignore the various evils
It's all perception. What is good, what is bad... these are cultural values... As for the acts attributed to him, what would you have done in his situation?
For example: In the infanticide described in the story of the ten plagues of Egypt, the entire Hebrew race had lost not only their firstborn, but all male babies born to the Hebrews a good bit of time before Moses even comes back with his magic staff. So, what does God do? He shows mercy to a leader who encouraged the enslavement and oppression (probably including rape and murder, look at what happened in the southern united states during the civil rights movement) of an entire nation and ordered the murder of every male baby born to the Hebrew nation. He does it nine times. After this, what I would easily consider a pretty big amount of patience, he snaps. He kills the firstborn of every Egyptian family. This is, in my opinion, a pretty lax revenge, after all his people have been through.
One last thing: God is not the role model. God is the leader. Jesus is the role model, and a pretty decent one at that. I don't subscribe to the actions of many of his followers, but I think that his actual philosophy (that of spreading love, and resisting oppression with non violence), as spoken by himself, is comparable to Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr.
what an appalling view of religion and the role it plays in society.
God supposedly gave man free will........therefore it is MANS >>choice<<...........to foist genocide and infantcide on his own people.
God was kinda hoping you'd all use your brains.........
and CHOOSE to be decent and loving and caring...........
but not all heeded that wise advice.
If I let your family suffer rape, poverty, and all sorts of horror and gave someone who just happens to say sorry get into a magical land of fairies am I evil?
lol, yeah. i know, right? like killing the first born of the egyptians was a good idea...