Please I need any tips and any success stories you have for me!!! What worked...what didn't....
i am 280female 22yrs old
285 lbs
i know i am fat and i am trying 2 change so no mean comments!!
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First of all, it is great you are trying to lose weight. Now when I was 4 years of age, the rot of unhealthiness set in for me. By the time I was nine I was 75 kilos. From the age of 9, I tried to lose some weight but without success. I'd lose a couple of kilos at a time, then put them on again ten-fold. One day when I was 12 years old, something clicked and I started my own diet. I did it all on my own. I lost 38 kilograms in a short time. I lost all that weight after years of no success. I was so upset when I tried and tried and I failed and failed. Then one day, I lost it, and you will too.
Here are some tips. When you feel bored and you go to the fridge for some food, stop and think, "Am I really hungry." The answer is no, you are just bored. Instead of eating, go for a walk. A nurse once said to me, "You can eat what you like in moderation." So when you eat, don't heap food onto your place like a high-rise, no, eat a smaller portion of food in your dining room. Replace all foods with healthier choices. For breakfast, have toast with no butter or healthy cereal or an egg and grilled tomato with a piece of toast with no butter or other healthy choices, which you can find in low fat cookbooks or websites for healthier eating. For morning tea, grab a fruit pack and some low fat yoghurt or a healthy fruit bar, or maybe a sandwich with whole grain bread with no butter, with a healthy filling. For lunch, have tuna and salad or chicken breast and salad or many other healthy options. For afternoon tea, have a piece of fruit and a healthy smoothie. For dinner, have a spinach quiche with a a side salad of your choice, and maybe even some weight watchers chips with it. Do not eat after 9 pm, e.g. no after dinner snacks of chips, chocolate or lollies. The meals that I said were just examples. They are just some healthy choices. You can alter the food program, but it has to be healthy, with good fat's and sugars in it. You can have a treat once a week but as you get better with your diet, you can have your treat once a month and after a while, you won't want to have a treat. Obviously you can enjoy treats but all in moderation. When you go out with friends, and they have a drink, you can have one or go for a different choice of a non alcohol drink. Every thing in moderation. When you eat with friends late at night, don't reach for the junk food bag, reach for an apple or only have a few things, not too many. When you have lunch with a friend or pizza, like I said, go for a healthy choice. Every food is healthy. It is just that if you eat too much of the wrong foods and don't exercise, that is when the weight gain takes place. You can find healthy food choices in books, the internet and you can even go to a dietician to ask what foods you can eat. You also have to exercise. Power walk every day. Go to a gym. Do aerobics at home. Lift small weights. Do kick-boxing. There are so many different and fun exercises that you can do. You can find exercises in books, the internet and at the gym. Turn a diet into a 'lifestyle choice.' Make it fun. All you have to do, is say 'no' when you reach for another and another and another piece of junk food. When you feel bored, go for a walk, when your hungry eat something healthy. You can do it. All you have to do is believe in yourself. A lifestyle choice is hard because you feel you can't get out of your old habits. You can. Every time you think you are going to fail, you just have to think that it's worth it. Have a treat at the end of the week, or have a tiny bit of chocolate every day. You can do it. I think that you can even call a hot line to support you when maybe you're feeling fragile and about to give it in. You can lose the weight before September 2010. Your own diet will work. Give it a go.
What would work is your determination, self-discipline and love for your body.
Walk everyday dont miss any day. You're not only doing this to lose weight but your main gail is to adapt it as a permanent routine for good health. No eating after 8pm. Eliminate fried food fatty food chips and bread from your diet.
You can lose all these weight. Give yourself one year but it needs serious dedication.
If you are interested to lose weight in a fast and easy manner, Use the Smartlipo⢠laser lipo workstation for laser liposculpture of the chin, jowls, neck, arms, male breast, abdomen, back, flanks, buttocks, hips, thighs, and knees.Once fat cells are removed, they are gone forever. Unlike other forms of weight loss surgery, laser liposuction results are permanent. Adults do not create new fat cells; when adults gain weight, current fat cells expand in size.
I had a load of unwanted fat in all the embarrassing areas until I tried out acai berry, I realize they say that pills will not work, however they definitely worked for me, and they've been featured on CBS News too. There's a free trial happening at the moment at , why not try it, what have you got to lose?
In my opinion, anything with the word diet in it sets us up for failure. To lose weight and keep it off you need to know what you are eating, how much you are eating, the calorie count of what you eat, how it will affect your energy level and blood sugar and you need to move, move, move...walk, bike, roller blade, take stairs...just move. Read both articles below and see if they will work for you:
Good luck
Weight Watchers would be the way to go. I think it is possible to loose that much weight in one year. Just stick to your plan and exercise.
After reading your question I thought I would give you some pointers I have learned the hard way from my own bad 'uninformed' choices.
Keeping to any plan that fights against addictive habits is tough but being fit and strong versus being fat and sickly is all about how many calories you eat versus how many you burn and IF the calories are mostly the BEST QUALITY PROTEINS or mostly junk sugar-carbs.
Many years ago I found that the Atkins Diet Plan made me healthier compared to my old high carb diet since it put my diabetes symptoms into remission, but PLEASE consider my experiences when I used the Atkins high cholesterol and fat philosophy for my long term nutrition.
After the Atkins plan promoted many diseases, what now works best in order for me to keep my pruritus-urticaria in remission, after my gallbladder-biliary-liver and heart disease problems, is a VEGAN diet that is low-carb low-fat and HIGH-PROTEIN. Because of my gallbladder-biliary-liver disease I no longer can eat nuts or olive oil or dressings or other fats or any cholesterol because it causes immediate pruritus since my liver’s biliary system is plugged with cholesterol and calcium sludge, and I can not eat too many carbs because of yeast infections that break out after one, two, or three high carb meals.
What I now do is what they teach most students in high school nutrition classes - which is to add up the vitamins and minerals from my ‘digestible’ foods and calculating the RDA's [Recommended Dietary Allowances] or DV's [Daily Reference Values] for each day to see if I am more than 100% for Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Thiamine-VitB1, Riboflavin-VitB2, Niacin-VitB3, VitB6-Pyridoxine, and Folate-VitB9. Things like bran are not digestible and not added since it is like a work horse or work oxen eating straw instead of digestible grass or alfalfa leaves.
Also, after I accidentally poisoned myself with supplements, I leaned that supplements like iron and magnesium and colloidal silver etc are super toxic since they are 'metallic' minerals and oftentimes raw fertilizers with a 1000 fold markup. These ‘metallic’ mineral supplements have not yet been converted into a non-toxic food when during photosynthesis the electrons in a fertilizer are stripped away making it the more positively charged ‘non-metallic’ and non-toxic mineral element within the plant. Also, the highly profitable synthetic vitamin supplements I used to purchase have no unambiguous research backing them, and there is some obviously valid research concluding that they are more toxic than beneficial to any animal that has ever consumed them.
What now keeps my diseases in remission is mostly a diet of cooked lentils then mixed with tomato sauce and boiled celery to make a quick microwave super high protein veg-chili. I boil all my foods since my digestive system is in such poor shape and I need as many nutrients as I can get out of the semi-expensive foods I buy.
I used to eat much more meat when I was an Atkins dieter, before my pruritus attacks became so obvious that the cholesterol and fats in the meat or eggs and the calcium in the homemade yogurt I was eating was the root cause to the problem. FYI - IF you know of people getting colon cancer, it was during my Atkins period I learned to always eat enough vegetables to be a minimum of 2 x the weight of the meat that I ate - in order to not have any constipation or worse. I used to have reddish stools since I was likely on my way to getting colon cancer myself from eating much more meat protein than I could ever digest properly in my stomach and colon.
After the Atkins Diet allowed my present health issues, I replaced the crock potted round steak or beef heart or chicken and sometimes river trout in my chili with lentils, because I learned that the nutritional content of lentils ranks high alongside, and comparable to, very lean meat or lean fish if it is grown in well fertilized soil. [Note: e.g. the labels on store bought spinach sometimes have a 4 fold difference in nutrition based upon the fertility of the soils and the growing methods for the farms it is grown on.]
I also eat a-lot of boiled frozen broccoli and boiled organic or re-washed and re-boiled canned spinach with a vinaigrette of organic sugar with glass_bottled_cider_vinegar. The glassware is because of some friends that got lupus from eating too much plastic stuff, or inhaling it since they were house painters who used vinyl paints.
The nutritional DV numbers that I now eat are three times what most others in my family are eating every day. I keep at about 100% and they are about 25 to 33%, but they are all morbidly obese diabetics. Even though I was once morbidly obese myself and had a heart attack from too many carbs for too long, (which I think gave me all the symptoms of beriberi, scurvy and pellagra, along with the beginnings of my gallbladder-biliary-liver disease,) I am now more fit in comparison to most others I know.
I hope you have learned something from my ‘mistakes’ that will soon help you along your way.
My best to you,
PS1 - I currently feel that what Dr. Fuhrman MD teaches is the best nutritional information available in the nation.