I have vista, ran the avg scan, and it comes up with a long list of tracking cookies. Scan is 'complete'.
Now my options are 'view details' 'Remove Selected Infections' and 'Remove all unhealed infections'.
I forget which one I picked, but it made all the icons next to the list items change to shortcut icons except for a couple which look like a underwater mine with an exclamation point.
Okay so the list is still there, and I click heal and remove over and over, and it shows a little blue status bar at the bottom every time which fills up. I could do this over and over and over and over, but I never get feedback like 'selected infections removed' or 'unhealed infections removed'.
I remember other antivirus programs would give you a pop up saying what it did, and the list items would have a checkmark or disappear, but I have no clue what AVG has done. Does anyone know of an AVG legend or tutorial anywhere? Is mine broken?
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AVG is absolutely the sorriest AV on the net. Millions of people download this garbage everyday. Mostly noobs that don't know any better that fall for the hype. There are millions of people out there with infected computers and have no idea that it's infected because AVG will not let the user know it. AVG has no root kit protection running in real time. That in it's self makes it worthless. Most viruses will come in the for of a root kit or just plain Mal ware. Another down fall of AVG. It won't detect Trojan Mal ware most of the time. What it does detect most of the time it can't delete it.
The job of a well working AV is to stop threats at the door. AVG will not do it. Neither will Avast or most any other free AV. People on here want to believe in the fairy tail that they can get something for nothing. I learned the hard way you can't. I learned the hard way about some things. Others i learned in the army as a communications officer.
Pay for your AV. Don't listen to these noobs on here. If you do it's only a matter of time till your computer will be hopelessly infected. People on here will tell you that AVG works great. See above.
People will tell you on here that Avast works great. Avast has no heuristic scanning in the free version. That makes it worthless because there are millions of Infections that Avast can't remove or even detect because of this. That makes that boot scanner worthless crap to.
Avira is good. But it has it's problems to. Avira doesn't always update the way it should. So you have to watch it and make sure it updates. Avira has a problem with faults positives.
Pay for your AV. You will be better off. Research it yourself. Don't listen to the noobs on here.
AS far as your cookie problem, Switch to firefox if you haven't already. Most all cookie problems can be resolved within your browser settings.
Right now the best you will find out there is Kaspersky. A few on here will tell you about Kaspersky. Most on here will push that same old free crap that they always have. Research it yourself.
Hello. My name is Sanjay Patel, and I currently hold an honorary Master's degree in the field of Computer Science. I am aware of, and have personal knowledge related to your question. There are computer maintenance businesses which are probably in your area, however they come at the cost of hiring a professional to enter your home. There may also be some local destinations where you can drop off your computer and wait to have a technician look at it. These options can often be costly, and pretty inconvenient. The answer to this question can probably be found doing a little extra research on Google.
A well-running computer can be a hard thing to maintain. From my experience, there is but only One software which is reputable- and consistently reliable for healing sick, slow computers. Reimage™ - https://reimagefix.im/ is a world-renown, easy to use software designed by Forensic scientists and made for the average person. This thing will fix literally just about ANY problem you could possibly be having with your PC. Reimage was recommended to me by a Professor during my 2nd year of Graduate school
In the year I've had AVG, I have had no virus or any problem. So it's obviously doing a good job. It was recommended to me by a friend who is a computer technician.
After a scan is finished, a small advisory card appears in the lower right corner of my screen, which tells me how many items were scanned and how many Warnings they are alerting me to. I click on the word "Warnings" and the list appears on the screen. At the bottom right of the list is the option to "Remove all unhealed infections" and I click on that. Then in the left column I click on Computer Scanner which gives me View Virus Vault, which I click on, and then I click on Empty Virus Vault. Then you're done and all you need do is click on Close and that will clear your screen.
I am a professional developer with Microsoft, and have about 10 years of experience in the field of Computer Engineering. Most problems with PC's are the result of malicious software that infected a Computer. Examples of this are things such as malware, viruses, trojans, spyware, adware, root kits, and worms. In other cases, they are the result of stability issues due to crashes, freezes, or Hardware Issues. Some examples of hardware issues could be a dirty cooling fan causing the computer to overheat, or low memory due to lack of RAM, which could cause the PC to run slowly. You may think it could be a virus, or malware, or registry issues, but it could be something else entirely. As a computer layman, one may find it hard to really ascertain what exactly is causing the problems, without having a professional do an in depth analysis of your PC.
As professional computer repairs can be quite costly, I would recommend to you a Software that many of us in the tech department here at Microsoft use personally and professionally to diagnose and repair computer problems very quickly. It is a software called Reimage, from https://tr.im/ReimageRepair .. In my personal experience, and in the experience of many of my associates, this is probably the best software ever created for those experiencing computer troubles. This is likely to remedy just about ANY problem your computer could possibly be having, and have it running like new. Reimage has won several awards, and been featured in publications such as PC Mag.
tracking cookies are of the low alert status( not much of a threat).
avg is among the top 10 antivirus software providers in the world. The only downside to avg is its pretty heavy on comp resources. Antivirus alone will not protect your comp with present day threats on the internet. you also need malware/spyware protection. Go here to download-malwarebytes.org free download install update and run full scan. run this along with your antvirus once or twice a week to protect comp. good luck and be safe out there!
I just tried https://reimagefix.im/ mentioned by that Sanjay guy on here and it completely fixed my computer. I was having all kinds of problems that were absolutely annoying me to death. This computer had viruses, spyware, error messages, hardware problems, and it would often crash or freeze on me. I think the worst thing to me was how SLOW and laggy it became. So just when I was about to wash my hands with it, and waste money on a new computer...I find this.
deleting the viruses from the vault will delete them from your hard disk. In free programs, there is none better. I have been using AVG since version 7.0. Get rid of limewire. AVG is great. the fact that it put it in the vault is good.
its just finding cookies sounds like. as soon as you go back to the site which gave you the cookie, it will give you another one, so i wouldn't worry about it much.
Ya it will do so many things.
first it will capture your hard disk space and then remove important files except the virus affected one.
then it will decrese the RAM speed