I'm looking to put a set of speakers in my truck nothing expensive I have a set of clarion but I was told that a set of the component speakers will really sound better does anyone have this speaker in his car and how good is the sound. My equipment Pioneer cd player ,700 watt 4ch Sony Explod pair clarion 600watt.
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Yes, components are a major step up from regular "coaxial" speakers.
The crossovers are much better, the tweeters can be mounted anywhere for much better positioning/angle, and they usually always sound better. But make sure they are a good brand... Id take a good coaxial over some flea market pyle component set.
They are just a little tougher to install.
"Components" are speakers. The term "components" refers to a specific speaker design that uses individual drivers (woofer - tweeter) and sometimes an externally mounted crossover. "Coaxial" (sometimes called 2-way speakers), uses a design that mounts both the woofer and tweeter in the same frame. There's also 3-way, 4-way, and even some 5-way speakers that mount multiple drivers in the same frame. Beyond 2-way (coaxial), there's not much improvement in sound reproduction and/or dispersion. In fact, some 3-way, most 4-way, and all 5-way speakers are simply marketing "gimmicks" to make you think you're getting something really special, when in fact it's most often hyped up, overpriced junk. Components generally provide the best sound. They separate the tweeters from the woofers and often allow them to be adjusted (pointed) for best sound dispersion. Higher frequencies are more "directional" and mounting the tweeters up high pointed directly toware the listening area makes for better stereo separation and a better "soundstage". Installing components is most often a little more complex than just replacing stock speakers, especially if the vehicle doesn't have a place to mount the tweeters. Sometimes, it's necessary to cut some more holes in the door panels, find a location for the separate crossovers, and run additional wiring. Installing replacement speakers is usually just a matter of removing the old ones and putting the new ones in their place.