May 2021 6 53 Report
Does lack of estrogen cause lesbianism?

I have lived in a country where women were extremely heterosexual... that is, they didn't have problems asking men out, romancing men, complimenting men. They also seemed very attracted to male sex characteristics such as beard, chest hair, muscles, etc and keep in mind that i'm talking about a nation where abortion is illegal, so you might say that those women are "oppressed" ...However, I have also lived in another nation where women don't ask men out, they don't compliment men, they aren't attracted to male sex characteristics such as beard or chest hair.... these women live in a nation where abortion was "legal".. so such women weren't "forbidden" from approaching men.

Does lack of estrogen cause lesbianism?

I mean, i think most people can agree on the fact that feminine men don't have as much testosterone as other men who aren't feminine... so, would it also be correct that lack of estrogen cause lesbianism?

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