Here's a picture:
It's just that her belly is distended more than its ever been.
Hard to tell if she's just getting fat, or if she's pregnant.
We adopted her from Yaps about 4.5 years ago, who told us she was fixed......
But, you never know unless YOU do it yourself.
She's been even MORE active and playful when she's left alone for a little while.....
But lately when you've called her over to you, she just kind of states at you or doesn't come all the way.
Sometimes she lies down like this, being lazy, but today she's not responding when I say her name like she usually does.
She doesn't complain or snap at me when I gently knead her belly.....
Once she was lying on her back and I massaged her belly and it seemed to have gone down just a little bit.
These past couple of weeks, she's get a stuffy or runny nose every couple of days.....
Any other signs I should watch for?
I know the obvious answer would be to take her to a veterinarian and find out, but one, we can't afford it if it does so happen she's not pregnant, and two, my mom really is in denial and doesn't want to know if she IS pregnant.
I know, shame on my mother.
But it's unlikely in her mind.
It's just EXTREMELY strange to me that her belly is so large!
We have a male golden retriever, and my grandma's male dog who comes over every now and again.....but he's just a puppy, I doubt he'd do anything.
Thank you everyone!!!
Update:Here's a picture of her from the front:
Here's a side picture standing up:
Update 3:I've also noticed that she has two little lumps on her back.....
Which is why I suspected weight gain.
You can sort of see them in her frontal picture.
They're close to her butt.
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Answers & Comments
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I find your dog normal. Probably, she is in her heating cycle. Has she ever came in contact with the opposite sex? Be sure that you take her to the vet.
We adopted her from Yaps about 4.5 years ago, who told us she was fixed......
But, you never know unless YOU do it yourself.
Very unlikely she's pregnant. Most rescue and shelter groups have to provide proof of their expenses, and I doubt a vet is going to falsify a spay. Especially after this long, it's doubtful she could have had 8 heats without you noticing AND without her getting pregnant.
She could probably use a checkup - and meantime, see if anyone has been sneaking her treats or extra meals. You'd be surprised what people end up doing behind each other's back if the dog gives them pleading looks - and if her activity is lower, she may not need the same amount of food she did as a more active and younger dog.
Keep an eye on her in case she's getting sick - but if she's still that active, probably not a cause for emergency concern. See if you can find a reason around the house - even a neighbor tossing her treats would account for it :)
Has she been having her seasons? If not, then she cannot be pregnant. What did your vet say when you asked them? Licking her vulva could simply be a sign of a yeast infection. She could also have a tumor or some other medical issue that would cause her stomach to be enlarged.
ADD: After having looked at the pics she does not look pregnant in the least. She has no milk line and does not even really look fat- just mature.
Why do people even get dogs if they can't provide proper medical care? You've had her 4.5 years and you haven't realized proper care is expensive? Take her to a vet or turn her into a no kill shelter where she will get the proper care and possibly some who will be able to afford the care.
If you've owned her that long and she has never gotten pregnant before, it's highly unlikely she could get pregnant. It's something else - maybe too much food and/or too little exercise. She looks ok to me, but the picture is from the side and not head-on, so it's hard to tell
Well, you probably would have realised if she had been in season before.
However, if you haven't...
The puppy can do anything from about 6 months (not an exact science).
Has she been wormed ?? You really do need to see a vet, if she's pregnant get her an emergency spay.
Gotta love clueless BYBers
Take it to a vet and have a gravid spay done. Simple as that