I LOVE to sing, and all of my friends say that i am good but i really want to get a LOT better, and i was wondering if me just singing along to songs and stuff like i always do will help me get better? And also, what are some good techniques for practicing and getting better? thanks ^^
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NOT if you go through a trial-and-error system without a GOOD vocal teacher!!
It takes obviously some talent, LOTS of patience, diligence, courage, hard work, dedication and LOTS of lessons with a GOOD vocal teacher. Besides, your voice will keep maturing until you are in your mid-30s so you need a lot of TIME as well.
THE ONLY SAFE way to learn the correct singing techniques & to improve properly IS to take OFFLINE face-to-face singing lessons with a fully trained vocal teacher (in case you do not have a teacher yet)! The teacher HAS TO BE in the same room with you, so that he/she could give you proper feedback. However, even the best teachers in the world cannot make wonders, so please be realistic with this. Singing lessons are NOT going to help if one is tone-deaf!
Please do NOT rely on any dodgy web tutorials because that way you can misunderstand things VERY EASILY and develop bad habits, hoarseness, vocal nodules and other nasties IN NO TIME, and even though you would sound good! It is always much wiser to invest a little bit of your money/time to face-to-face lessons rather than wasting the same amount of money (or even more!) to frequent ear-nose-throat specialist visits due to aforementioned problems, so please reconsider this. If you can't afford vocal lessons, then joining a choir is the only SAFE alternative option. And believe me, but even MANY of those who have music as their hobby DO take lessons as well!
Always remember to warm up your voice properly, but please know your limits and don't overdo your voice! Remember the diaphragmatic support, do not strain your throat too much! Also, remember good body posture!
Avoid fizzy drinks (burp danger), dairy products (mucus risk), caffeinated products (coffee & tea included, they dry up your throat) and spicy food (irritation risk)! You can consume these things, but NEVER before singing!
Do NOT shout, yell, scream nor otherwise abuse your voice AT ANY TIME! Also, please respect your vocal range; if your teacher says you are, say, more of an alto (baritone if you are male), then you ARE more of an alto (baritone).
DO NOT try to imitate anyone famous, that will usually give you just bad habits and even damage your throat. You are YOU and your voice is unique, so please learn to cherish that. The world does NOT need copycats.
Do NOT sing, whisper, shout, yell nor scream if having a sore throat/cold/flu, Also, do speak as little as you can if you have flu/cold/sore throat!
Remember to drink at least 2 litres of room-temperature still water every day, not just during singing days!
Smoking is a big no-no, as is inhaling secondhand smoke. Also, avoid staying in dusty and/or moldy environment.
Singing along to songs more than once for each song doesn't help at all, it just encourages you to try to copy what the other person sings and this is not going to be good for your voice.
All techniques have to be learned in singing lessons from a singing teacher, most of what is available on the internet appears to be wrong or easily misunderstood. The lessons have to be where you sing in the same room as the teacher is listening to you.
No, it doesn't. If you are interested in improving, the only safe way to improve is to have lessons with an experienced teacher. If you can’t afford singing lessons, the only safe alternative is joining a choir but the results won’t be the same. Please do not try to train yourself because you will probably end up damaging your voice. In fact, it takes lots of years to learn how to sing properly and only a teacher can help you with that, you can’t do it without any help. Even very talented people must take singing lessons in order to learn about correct techniques. Nobody is too talented to have lessons and nobody is born with good techniques.
Do not rely on youtube tutorials or other tutorials from the internet because you can misunderstand things easily, and many of those guys who claim that they are teachers or trained singers aren’t. Another problem with internet tutorials is that you don’t have anyone to correct your mistakes and you won’t even realize that you are making them until it’s too late.
Do not rely on advice that you found on the internet, many people know nothing about singing and they still try to give advice to others. Most of the times, what they say is wrong and harmful. Do not follow any advice given to you by self trained singers, they don’t know anything about singing even if they claim that they are experts.
The teacher has to be in the same room with you so that he/she will be able to hear your mistakes and help you with correcting them. Do not make up any weird techniques, they are dangerous and they don’t work.
Do not overdo it when singing, you should know your limits, if you can’t sing something just don’t sing it, straining your voice is really bad. Also, respect your voice type and your vocal range, don’t try to sing too high or too low if you can’t. You can’t change your voice type because it depends on the length of your vocal chords, only age may change that (usually puberty).
Do not listen to those guys who say that singing lessons are a waste of money and time and that you either can sing or not. People who label themselves as singers and claim that lessons are useless will probably end up needing a surgery to remove vocal nodules because they have tried to train themselves and have developed bad habits and techniques. Singing lessons work and they are very useful unless someone is tone deaf! It’s always wiser to spend a little more money for a teacher than giving this money to a doctor to remove weird things from your vocal chords. I hope this helps, good luck!