If any number divided by it's self equals one and any number divided by zero equals zero then what happens if I divide zero by zero? Please explain thoroughly, is zero exempt from the first rule because it represents nothing? I think I may be over thinking this, but a little clarity would help...
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The most accurate description of 0/0 is "indeterminate". In other words 0/0 can be anything.
Explanation: Think of how division is defined in terms of multiplication. In general, x/y is the answer to the question "what number times y is x?"
So 0/0 is the answer to the question "what number times 0 is 0?"
Therefore, 0/0 can be anything, since any number times 0 is 0.
This is to be distinguished from dividing a nonzero number by 0, where no number will work since no number times 0 can equal the nonzero number.
This distinction between 0/0 and nonzero/0 is very important when computing limits in calculus. In the situation 0/0, further analysis is needed before we can draw a conclusion about the value and/or existence of the limit. In the situation nonzero/0, we definitely conclude that the limit does not exist.
This distinction is also important when graphing rational functions. An x value making both the numerator and denominator zero could be either a hole or a vertical asymptote, whereas an x value making only the denominator zero is definitely a vertical asymptote.
Lord bless you today!
Zero Divided By Zero
Correction: Anything divided by 0 is undefined.
That is why you get an error on your calculator. It is impossible to attribute a value to something divided by zero because where in the world do you begin?!
Take for example 3/0
How many times does zero go into 3?
See what I mean?
Undefined just means that it cannot exist. It cannot happen. It is math's way of saying impossible.
You are incorrect saying "any number divided by zero equals zero". You can't divide any number by zero, not even zero. So the answer is 0/0 = undefined
Anything divided by zero is undefine... Not zero. Soo zero divided by zero is undefined.
You cant divide 0. It will always be 0
Correction to Kyle 0/99 is still 0 not undefined only 0 divide 0 is undefined.
0 goes into 3, 0 times hence 0 is the answer
A calculator will say it as Undefined correct as it is a machine it cant process that.
ZERO is merely the mathematical representation of the concept of "Nothing". DIVISION, likewise, is the mathematical way to represent the process of Sharing or Breaking into smaller pieces.
Before ZERO and DIVISION were invented, people of course understood the concept of having "Nothing" e.g., "Nothing to eat", "Nothing to wear" etc. People also understood the idea of sharing e.g., Sharing food, shelter, clothes etc. with others.
If a person went to the river and caught 4 fish, he knew that he, his wife and his 2 kids could eat 1 fish each i.e., 4/4 = 1. If he only caught 2 fish, then each person would get 1/2 a fish each. Extending the concept further, if on a given day he caught NOTHING, then each family member would get NOTHING i.e., 0/4 = 0. The same concept can be extended to dividing NOTHING amongst any number of people. So ZERO DIVIDED by any number is same as "Sharing NOTHING amongst any number of people" - each person gets NOTHING i.e., 0/N = 0 for any N from -infinity to +infinity, except 0.
Now, some people pointed out the exception of "0/0" which is UNDEFINED but didn't quite understand or explain why. So let me try -- when you are dividing something by "0", it is the same as sharing "Sharing something amongst nobody". So if you are not sharing with anybody, then by definition, you are NOT SHARING AT ALL!! Thus it is the process of "division" that becomes meaningless. Obviously computers cannot understand or give such a verbose response. So they chose to represent "anything divided by 0" as a NULL, UNDEFINED or such similar representation.
Did this make sense at all? Try to understand any Math you do at a basic "gut" level - it will help you grasp the concepts behind it, which will make it easier to solve problems.
Wrote from a pervious source explaining life division and calculator division both are different and correct.
So people saying it has to be undefined your wrong, when did you become more machine than general thought process.
Anything divided by zero is ALWAYS undefined.
It equals zero.
it's the Same as zero pluse zero, zero minus zero and zero time zero.
I think if you do that on a calculator, you will get an error.... Just do it on the calculator and see what it says.
Yes it does get a brain.