I am a student at Purdue and I just decided to double major in Special Ed and Elementary Ed. Every experienced teacher I talk to either says it is a really good idea or a really bad idea. Now I can not decide what to do because I respect their opinion. My passion is Elementary Education, but I was thinking about doing both for job security. What are the pros and cons to this? Thanks!
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those two degrees will lead you to better job opportunities
Don't get a Special Ed certification unless you know you would like to teach it. Many times if you have the training it is easier to get a job, but it is very hard to get out of it once you are in, because there are not enough people with the certification and lots of people with teaching degrees. Special ed is a very rewarding field, but it can also be frustrating and the paperwork for the government is horrible. If you want to be in the classroom, stick to elementary Ed. You can always take most of the required courses for Spec. Ed as electives and finish it off in the summer if you decide to get the certification. You are going to have to work toward a masters degree anyway and you could probably get graduate level credit for some of the classes if you wait.
It just depends what you want to do...If you go with special ed you will always do special ed. Principals keep them there I have rarely seen teachers get out. When they do get out those teachers get a lot of spec ed students in their class. At some colleges you can major in elementary ed but get specializations in other subjects too. This can be less classes than a second major but I have never seen that it made that much difference to have a double major in teaching. I would get a math specialty if you are at all interested. Some districts in Texas pay stipends for math and science teachers. Ultimately though nobody can tell what you have a passion for besides you so you are on the right track.To teach you need passion more than anything. (and patience to last) Honestly, I think job security depends on where in the country you want to teach in than your major.
The two degrees will give you better job security, but having a SpEd. degree is a bit scary. With NCLB what it is today, most SpEd. teachers are working hard to get out of SpEd. and back into the "regular" classroom. The paperwork alone for SpEd. teachers is horrible, and most burn out within a few years, if not sooner. The worst part is that if you decide that you DON'T want to teach SpEd., you are stuck and can't move, because it's such a hard position to fill. Many principals won't let a SpEd. teacher get away, keeping them in the SpEd. field against their will!
I know I sound cynical, but I have personal experience with this. If you have a choice, and until NCLB changes, SpEd. is probably not where you want to be!
If you ask me, you should, stick with your passion--- Elementary Education ROCKS!
In my district teachers who have both degrees do not get to choose. They will be special ed teachers always. There are plenty of programs to allow you to get a special ed degree while you are working. If your passion is elementary, do it! you can always get the other eventually.
Get your el. ed. first... you can always get certified in special ed without majoring in it. A lot of times, you just need a few other classes. Nowadays, you need to get your el. ed before you get your special ed certification anyway. You leave yourself with more options if you take el. ed - if you wanted to pick one. Also, don't waste your time in undergrad, get a masters in some other education track...you're really going to need it anyway. You can get an M.Ed in Special ed, applied behavior analysis, ed, psych, or ed leadership, or anything...
Both are alright. Special Ed. has a greater demand and the knowledge of regular Ed will make you that more qualified. DO it.
Check what the requirements to be licensed in your state or plan to live. Some states require a Master's for special education.
Good Luck!!!
Pro - a job...
Con- stuck in that job forever and ever and ever...
There are plenty of job openings in most places to get a job teaching.