I recenlty bought a soccer jersey from a seller on ebay. He told me he shipped it Nov. 3 and he said it would take 20-25 bussiness days since its from overseas. Today I went to go check more items in his store and he has cancelled his ebay account. His feedback was 99.5% and he was a power seller. So I called ebay and they told me to file dispute form on the item I purchased. Since he told me he already sent it and it takes 20-25 bussines days, should I wait or file the dispute now?
Update:I used paypal.
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definetly file dispute! I often buy things on ebay from overseas seller, and its always a risk. But keep close tabs on dates and stuff like that, if you know things may take longer at customs give him the benfit of the doubt, but if the 25 days period has passed, then file dispute, because you can cancel dispute and say the subject has been solved any time, but theres date to keep the dispute open, so you better react fast, especially since he has cancelled his account.
You definitely need to give it the full 25 days before you file a dispute. There are a myriad of reasons the seller could have cancelled his/her account (some of them not good), but your dispute stands a much better chance of processing through if you have followed sellers delivery guidelines.
His account was closed huh? Maybe he needed to change his account for whatever reason and you will be notified of it with your package. I would be a better person and give him the benefit of the doubt. If he skipped out on everyone, when you do file a dispute they will tell you others are pending.
Good luck and hope that there are still honest people out there.
Well, i have to say http://www.cheap-jerseys-from-china.com/ is good at this.
I would wait to see if you receive your item. I hope you used a credit card to pay for it; that's the safest way to buy things online, whether it's PayPal or not. Good luck.
wait to see if it comes if it doesn't then file. If you Paid through Paypal you can also contact them if you do not receive it