Bueno ejemplos de las nomenclaturas del diodo americana
europea, y japonesa
y la definicion de la japonesa o de que trata
¿Qué es un diodo?
Todos los diodos con nomenclatura oficial americana empiezan por 1N y sigue luego un número. Algunas marcas utilizan un código propio como MUR (Motorola) SG (Silicon General).
Los europeos todos empiezan por BA los de baja señal y los de potencia por BY, siguen luego a veces otra letra y luego números. También en algunos casos al final va un guión (o una barra) que indica la tensión máxima que pueden soportar.
Los japoneses suelen empezar por SB. De los chinos ni se sabe...
European Semiconductor Numbering System
|| | Third, Fourth, Fith Character(Serial Code)
|| Y## Industrial service (No letter Z)
|| ## is a W## Registration number from 10_99
|| 100- Device for consumer or entertainment
|| 999 use.
First letter---||----Second Leter(Type)]
A Germanium A Low Power diode,
voltage-variable capacitor
B Silicon B Varicap
C Compound Materials C Small-signal audio transistor
such as cadmium
sulfide or gallium
arsenide used in
semiconductor devices.
(energy gap band of
1.3 or more eV.)
D Materials with an D Audio power transistor
energy gap of less
than 0.6 eV such as
Indium antimonide.
R Radiation detectors, E tunnel diode
photo-conductive cells,
Hall-effect generators
and so on
F Small-signal RF transistor
G Miscellaneous
H Field Probe
K Hall Generator
L RF-Power transistor
M Hall modulators and multipliers
P Photo diode, photo-resistor
,photo-conductive cell(LDR),
Radiation device.
R Low-power controlled rectifier
S Low-power switching transistor
T Breakdown devices,high-power
controlled rectifier,Schottky
diode, Thyristor,pnpn diodes.
U High-powered switching transistor
X Multiplier diode
Y High-power rectifier(diode)
Z Zener diode
Japanese Nomenclature
i ii iii iv v
2 S C 82D A
i) Kind of device, indicating the number of effective
electrical connections minus one.
ii) For a semiconductor registered with the EIAJ this
letter is always an S.
iii) Third letter designates the polarity and application, as follows:
A PNP transistor, high-frequency
B PNP transistor, low-frequency
C NPN transistor, high-frequency
D NPN transistor, low-frequency
E P-gate thyristor
F N-gate thyristor
H N-base unijunction transistor
J P-channel FET
K N-channel FET
M Bi-directional triode thyristor
iv) These figures designate the order of application
for EIAj registration, starting with 11.
v) This letter indicates the level of improvement.
An improved device may be used in place of
a previous-generation device , but not necessarily
the other way around.
Diez puntitos :-)
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¿Qué es un diodo?
Todos los diodos con nomenclatura oficial americana empiezan por 1N y sigue luego un número. Algunas marcas utilizan un código propio como MUR (Motorola) SG (Silicon General).
Los europeos todos empiezan por BA los de baja señal y los de potencia por BY, siguen luego a veces otra letra y luego números. También en algunos casos al final va un guión (o una barra) que indica la tensión máxima que pueden soportar.
Los japoneses suelen empezar por SB. De los chinos ni se sabe...
European Semiconductor Numbering System
|| | Third, Fourth, Fith Character(Serial Code)
|| Y## Industrial service (No letter Z)
|| ## is a W## Registration number from 10_99
|| 100- Device for consumer or entertainment
|| 999 use.
First letter---||----Second Leter(Type)]
A Germanium A Low Power diode,
voltage-variable capacitor
B Silicon B Varicap
C Compound Materials C Small-signal audio transistor
such as cadmium
sulfide or gallium
arsenide used in
semiconductor devices.
(energy gap band of
1.3 or more eV.)
D Materials with an D Audio power transistor
energy gap of less
than 0.6 eV such as
Indium antimonide.
R Radiation detectors, E tunnel diode
photo-conductive cells,
Hall-effect generators
and so on
F Small-signal RF transistor
G Miscellaneous
H Field Probe
K Hall Generator
L RF-Power transistor
M Hall modulators and multipliers
P Photo diode, photo-resistor
,photo-conductive cell(LDR),
Radiation device.
R Low-power controlled rectifier
S Low-power switching transistor
T Breakdown devices,high-power
controlled rectifier,Schottky
diode, Thyristor,pnpn diodes.
U High-powered switching transistor
X Multiplier diode
Y High-power rectifier(diode)
Z Zener diode
Japanese Nomenclature
i ii iii iv v
2 S C 82D A
i) Kind of device, indicating the number of effective
electrical connections minus one.
ii) For a semiconductor registered with the EIAJ this
letter is always an S.
iii) Third letter designates the polarity and application, as follows:
A PNP transistor, high-frequency
B PNP transistor, low-frequency
C NPN transistor, high-frequency
D NPN transistor, low-frequency
E P-gate thyristor
F N-gate thyristor
H N-base unijunction transistor
J P-channel FET
K N-channel FET
M Bi-directional triode thyristor
iv) These figures designate the order of application
for EIAj registration, starting with 11.
v) This letter indicates the level of improvement.
An improved device may be used in place of
a previous-generation device , but not necessarily
the other way around.
Diez puntitos :-)