Defining and Non-defining relative clauses: Combine the following pairs of sentences by means of a
relative clause.
1. The great fire of London destroyed a large part of the city. It broke out in 1666
2. Mr. Jones came here only last week. He is living next door to us
3. This is the man. I gave the money to him yesterday
4. My aunt is very kind to me. I am living with her
5. Is that the new station? You pointed it out to me last week
6. My teacher says that I ought to pass my examination. I have great confidence in her
7. The matter has been settled. You were talking about it last night
8. Last week I went to see the town. He used to live in that town
9. We must certainly see the antiquities of Egypt. Such a great deal has been written about them
10. The Irawaddy flows through many large swamps. It is one of the most important rivers in Asia.
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1. The great fire of london, wich destroyed a large part of the city, broke out in 1666.
2. Mr. Jones, who is living next door to us, came here only last week.
3. This is the man to whom i gave the moey yesterday.
4. I'm living with my aunt, who is very kind to me.
5. Is that the new station wich you pointed out to me last week?
6. My teacher, to whom i have great confidence, says i ought to pass my examination.
7. The matter, wich you were talking about last night, has been settled.
8. Last week i went to see the town where he used to live.
Espero te sirva, tengo que irme.. La 9 y la 10 sacalas tu ;)
Si le temes al espejo; si te asusta subirte a una báscula entonces este programa , el Factor Quema Grasa te ayudara descartar estas problemas. Ya has visto que aunque son solo unos pocos kilos de más resulta inasequible dejarlos atrás; al menos incluso ahora porque con el siguiente programa Factor Quema Grasa te mostrará donde te has equivocado y lo que reparar tu error hacia dejar atrás la pesadilla de estos kilitos demás. Además, con el proyecto Factor Quema Grasa no solo que eliminaras encanto molesto flotador que tanto te incomodaba sino que de la misma forma serás capaz de reducir y tonificar tus antiestéticas cartucheras y este cambio será increíble. ¡Siéntete más guapa y más sana, segura y natural. contigo misma!