How important is it to you to preserve biodiversity? It's not to hard say we support land preservation to save species in the rainforest. How about your backyard? If a new school site construction could not take place to save a small lizard (or whatever) would you still support conservation? Why or why not?
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While biodiversity is important and there is much we can learn and gain from plants and animals of all types, the only way to preserve every species alive on the planet is for one to be gone altogether, us.
Any species that has such a limited habitat that it would be destroyed by the building of a school is already on its way out. I'd save all the live specimens I could find, put them into a zoo or lab for study, and build the school. 99.9 percent of all species ever alive on the planet are no longer with us and man had nothing to do with their disappearance. That does not mean that I don't care about the last .1%, just that I think we're the most important species on the planet right now and we deserve to live too.