My Maine Coon is a 20 lb monster. I have an extra large litter box with a cover. He enters the litter box and doesn't turn around and sprays urine outside of the box and then he gets out of the box and puts his front paws back in and digs litter out all over the floor to try to cover up his mess. Any suggestions on helping him figure out he needs to turn around?!? I have seen the Booda litter box that has stairs and then turns but it just doesn't seem big enough inside, maybe I'm wrong but he is soooo big! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Update:I hadn't thought of using a storage tub and cutting it. The only problem with that would be no liner, which I really like to use.
As far as "spraying" that is not what he is doing. He is going into his box to urinate, just not getting himself in there properly so it is coming out the opening of the box. He doesn't use the floor, unfortunately that is just where it lands when he is inside the box.
Also, he is not overweight. According to his vet this breed is a large breed. He has extremly large paws and stands atleast 2" taller than my other cat which always was big to me at 15 lbs. The vet told me he was at ideal weight.
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There is a a large storage tub already designed just for that. It has a whole cut in the top for top entry. If you search goggle or ebay and find them for around $30... they have liners to fit also. They are called cleaver cat top entry litter box. Hope this helps:)
I am using a hard plastic storage tub, I disposed of the lid. My Maine Coon always used this tub. Last Thanksgiving I went to visit my daughter for a couple days and he began to poop on the newspapers outside the litter box ever since. He has 3 other cats he lives with. He will get into the tub and pee but will not poop in it. I tried to make him poop in the litter box a couple times, but found out he would poop in my bed and cover it up. I have tried another box, tin foil in front of it. I just don't know what else to do. He has been to the Vet, and is healthy. The Vet said it is a habit now.
I would go to a well stocked pet store and see what they have. Every year they seem to come out with new designs and sizes of cat pans. I have a 15 lb. cat too. I had to find an extra-large lidded pan too. The only thing I had to watch was that I got the right size pan liner. I still check every once in a while to see what is on the market. I ended up with a igloo shaped pan. Still I have accidents once in a while.
Well, you could always get a big plastic storage bin and cut a hole in it so he can use that as a litterbox. They make them in all sizes and it shouldn't be too hard to find the right size and cut it up. Plus it'd be cheaper than buying a Booda box.
I found this link for you about cats spraying and what an underlying cause could be.
Also, to help your cat lose weight you need to change his diet. Dry cat food is bad for cats. It is made with all kinds of empty carbs that cats shouldn't be eating anyway. Naturally cats would eat raw meat and get lots of protein and no carbs. But, if you cannot feed your cat raw than try only wet catfood twice a day. 70% of cats get water from food, they have a limited thirst drive. Dry cat food has no water or moisture for them so they are in a perpetual state of dehydration. Wet cat food closely mimics what he would get if he was wild. Here is a website that you should go to for more details.
Once your kitty loses the weight he should be fine to use his litter box right and he will be much happier too. ;)
the size of the muddle container on your cat relies upon on how many times the owner scoops. you're able to scoop in the morning and in the night. I certainly have 2 super cats (one long hair) with 2 thirteen.5" x 17" identification open pans. i don't be conscious of what length you talk super or greater beneficial super. This length is a procedures sufficiently huge and helps save the scent down. it truly is best to have a muddle container for each cat, much less mess. I place a small bathing room rug under each and each pan to regulate any muddle that could fall off the paws. you are able to definitely %. up the rug and sell off loose muddle returned in the container. i take advantage of Tidy Cat Scoop (35 pound tub with lid). It clumps properly and additionally you're able to use the empty tub for the scooped poop. next to the packing boxes I save an empty Tidy Cat tub (with lid) lined with a grocery sack to offload the scooped poop. I save a container of muddle with a container to scoop and disperse a small volume of muddle on proper after each and each scooping, this controls the odors and keeps the container looking sparkling and clean.