This is my 2nd child..
Anyway I started having "false labor" earlier.. At around 7:30 I started having contractions & they were getting closer & closer together & more intense.. They felt like the real contractions I had with my daughter.. Well they ended up going away.. My tummy kept getting tight but the pain was gone by about 9.. Well I went to sleep only to be awoken at 1am with horrible painful contractions again.. They were coming at regular intervals & VERY intense I was curled up in a ball CRYING in pain.. Switching positions walking or sitting up did not help.. It is now 3:30 & they have once again tapered off.
I never had false labor with my first child.. Does this mean "true" labor is coming?
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it sounds like your in the early stages of labour.
good luck x
sounds like you are ready to go...mine started the day before I went in real labor feeling like period like cramps, but I noticed the difference from my Braxton Hicks were these were in my back going all the way to the front of my lower stomach...the pains got stronger thats when I knew it was the real thing, because when I got in the shower to let the warm water soothe the pain, it did not work for sure way to know is the difference in intensity of the pain...if you can describe the pain usually its false (not always cause all women are different and some may not experience pain from contractions as others), but how I knew; the pain I could not describe was far more intense than when I described them as period like cramps...that's how I knew it was time...and they were also closer together...I'm so glad my husband was already home and not due to work until later that may need to go to the doctor...I was admitted right when I got there..good luck and congrats :)
SN: I also lost my mucus plug a lot the night before I went into true labor...doesn't mean that you will go into labor just because you do, but just thought I throw that out there just in case you have experienced this because I have heard a lot of women say that they have went into labor within hours or a few days after losing theirs
damn pregnancy hormones or whatever lol bringing back old times :) to startt off I wanted to say congrats and definitely soon, it still could be false or true its hard to tell, With my first pregnancy I had contractions that were several minutes apart then they kept getting closer and closer together and hurt so damn bad thought it was the real thing but still stuck it out at home, after about an hour they went away. I wasn't feeling my squirt moving around and figured something was up because he wasn't moving around at all when I tried sleeping, we all know how that is, so yeah I went in first thing when I woke up they said everything looked fine the baby is healthy so go home kind disappointed I wasnt dilated more then I was and had to go home and later on that night my water broke and my son was born on his due date the next day. Once again congrats I'm really happy for you
It might be so! I consider fake hard work is simply your frame getting competent to enter hard work finally. Some men and women have fake hard work the equal day they enjoy the truly factor, and a few have fake hard work a pair weeks earlier than it honestly occurs. a pair different matters to seem for earlier than you move into hard work, is wasting your mucus plug, having your cervix dialate, and having extra "false" contractions. When I used to be pregnant, I did all 3 2 weeks earlier than i went into hard work. Even despite the fact that you might have had fake hard work, you might very good move complete time period. Just watch out! 34 weeks is kinda early!
I'm having the same thing, the reason for these are .. Your dehydrated and you need to eat something dull of calories ie toast or a banana or something ... Good luck x
Yes it does mean true labor is coming !!
Congratulations on the bubba.