May 2021 10 202 Report
Filipinos are Multi-racial...?

There is no doubt that Filipinos in general are multiracial people.You only need to walk down the streets of the Philippines and seen the diversity of facial features people have,from very east Asian oriental features,Australoid native features and European type features,many Filipinos look like one of these or some degree of mixture of these.Even within the same family you often see siblings who look like different races and have the same mother and father,one brother may have almond shaped eyes and a broad nose while another may have a narrow nose and rounded eyes,skin colour varies a lot in the Philippines too,from dark brown to olive to fair skinned and every where in between.My question is,why in such a racially mixed country are light skinned Filipinos with more European type features seen as somehow less Filipino by people?Unless one of your parents or at a push one of your grandparents was totally European then you are no different from any other Filipino (mixed heritage) Why do some Filipinos say oh im half Spanish or half white American,when what they should say is my great great great grandfather was Spanish or white American?What is you opinion?

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