Here's the link to last night's question:;_ylt=AjcLI...
I was surprised that there are those who have trouble recognizing a fetus as a human. From a scientific point of view, the fetus has its own DNA which conclusively demonstrates it belongs to the human species, that the fetus is human. It is not a growth of the mother, as the DNA of the fetus is not the same as the DNA of the mother.
That's one aspect.
The other aspect deals with whether the fetus is a person. I have an ultrasound picture of my son some 4-6 weeks after conception. There were no doubts in the minds of his mother or myself that we were looking at our baby, a person. We made decisions that respected his existence and well-being.
Now neither of the above addresses the ethics of abortion. Ours was a wanted pregnancy. Abortion never entered the discussion.
Update:Is it so hard for those on each side of this debate to find common ground along these lines?
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I don't mind a group of fools that get together and determine for themselves what is and what is not life. I don't care if you choose not to have an abortion, or if you choose to have an abortion. What I hate with all my heart is a person that thinks that they can force their opinion on another person. Any human worth his salt will fight to the death to keep people such as yourself out of power. I hope you never have the opportunity to force you beliefs on another person.
With regard to abortion. It is God that invented abortion in the form of miscarriage. And it is God that uses abortion to correct the mistakes of his universe. He instructs humans to follow his ways and he instructs us to love our neighbors and not to judge others. It is God that determines when anything is a "human" or "alive" or whatever. It is not you.
If God is a loving God as I believe, then there will be no "death" or pain in abortion. It will simply be the passing of unwanted tissue. If God is a hateful unloving God then you may be right. But I choose not to believe in your God. I think people such as yourself are sick in the mind to accuse others who follow God and his was as murderers. You are simply wrong and leading Gods people down your path and away from his love.
...Abortion on demand is evil and a national tragedy; I believe it is state-sanctioned murder against the most innocent of all - unborn children. Why?
1. It puts you in the driver's seat – you get to decide who's important, who can live and who will die. Hitler and the Third Reich did the same thing. It leaves us to exterminate those who we decide are "in the way."
2. Unless you can prove that the developing child is not human, then you could be committing murder, a killer of one of the most helpless beings on earth. I suspect these same folks would move Heaven and Earth to save an unborn eagle in its egg (and could identify it as unborn eagle), but don't understand that human beings conceive and give birth to human beings – this is incredible to me.
3. Abortion cheapens human life, making a child's life no better than the the life of an animal. Many would not treat a dog this way. Children become things we throw away. Jesus said we are of more value than many sparrows.
4. Why does an innocent, unborn child get the death penalty - what evil have they done?
5. I know this does happen, but very few women become pregnant as a result of rape - this is a sort of red herring argument. I still don't see where this makes abortion a valid choice.
6. Abortion does have negative psychological and physical effects on the mother of the aborted baby.
7. I close with this quote from Mother Theresa: "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."
Ok, lets start with 'scientifically-the-fetus-is-a-member-of-the-human-species' thing.
Basically, DNA + environment is a potential for a human to be created, not a human itself.
As for the arms and legs on a fetus.... well yeah, it has arms, it has legs. Remove those from a human, say in a (God forbid) car accident, and they will still be human.
In fact, change someones heart, do anything to any organ and they are still human, except the brain. Get rid of that, and we are dead. Always. Irreplaceably.
In other words, it is the brain that counts.
Fetus has the precursor to a brain, but not a brain.
Therefore is alive, but until some certain (and v. young) age, they are alive without bieng an actual human.
And yes, this same logic argues FOR stiff penalties for abortion against the mothers' will, and for ethical treatment of the mentally impaired.
If you wanna know it, just message me. Otherwise I shant waste my time writing out the entire thing!
Procreation is an ongoing process which can be interrupted at any point, right from not having sex in the first place, through contraception, and drugs which prevent implantation, to abortion anywhere up to the moment of birth.
Somewhere along that process, most people would have a point where they consider it's OK to interfere to prevent the birth of a baby up to that point, but not afterwards - e.g. abstinence is OK, but contraception isn't.... or contraception is OK, but abortion isn't... or abortion is OK but only up to week 20... or whatever. It's simply a matter of conscience where you personally decide to draw the line, and on what basis.
For myself, I cannot accept that an undifferentiated bunch of cells has more rights than the fully grown adults who are responsible for its existence. I also cannot accept that it's right to kill a foetus when it's fully developed and due to be born. Logically then, there has to be a point somewhere in between that I decide, on the basis of conscience, is the point at which abortion becomes unacceptable. I don't know enough about it to have a definite view where that point lies, but it must lie somewhere in the 9 months of pregnancy.
It's in the nature of life that there are no easy answers to this kind of question, as it's a matter of subjective opinion rather than objective fact - and my opinion is that abortion cannot be wrong, per se.
I agree that it's pointless to argue about whether the embryo is 'human life' or not - Of course it is. That is not the issue. The issue is whether a human life at a stage of being a tiny featureless blob of cells should be protected at the expense of the wishes of the parents - and particularly the woman who would have to give birth to it. I don't think it should.
Most abortions are not done because the woman was raped or the baby has a birth defect, most abortions are done because having a baby is not convenient for the mother. They totally ignore the fact that there are literally thousands of people waiting years to adopt a baby, and that the baby would have a great life, they don't care, because hey, it would be inconvenient. These are the same women who can't be bothered remembering to take a pill or use a condom, that's just too flamin difficult. They don't want to be held accountable for their own ignorance. They don't even understand that its not just "their" body once they made a mistake and forgot that darn pill again. They won't even entertain the idea of giving the baby up for adoption, cause hey, they can't be bothered being pregnant for 9 months, too darn inconvenient. So basically, abortion is just an easy out to get rid of a problem they created with their own stupidy. We live in a world of convenience, anything inconvenient needs to be gotten rid of. It's not their bodies they're protecting, having a baby isn't going to kill them, its their convenient way of life they're protecting. Taking the life of a baby because you can't be bothered and calling it "my body" is preposterous, since its not their body they're destroying. Selfish is an understatement here.
My parents waited a long time to adopt, but my birth mother went thru the whole "inconvenience" of being pregnant instead of the easy quick-fix and guess what? Her body wasn't destroyed by giving birth, she went on to have a happy life. There's a lot to be said for birth control in lieu of making babies and then killing them as an easy alternative.
I am not for or against abortion. I think it solely depends on the individual and the situation behind it. There are many reasons a woman has a right to choose. One as stated above....rape. Among others such as life or death etc. In the end it is the woman's choice and it is her feelings and her feelings alone that she will have to deal with upon her choice. For the right to lifers who think it's wrong no matter what who say it's not God's will. Let God deal with her. You don't know what it's like in the other person's shoes so to speak. True christians should not judge others. As for the fetus being a person.... I agree it is. How can it not be?
Abortion is a hot-button issue that it's foes and proponents don't want to think objectively about. I agree a fetus is a potential human and to abort it is killing it. I also believe that people have a right to make the decision for an abortion and it's not up to me to judge their morality or sanity in the choice because they know their situation, I don't. But to try to meet either side of this issue on rational ground is futile. They LIKE getting bent out of shape over it. Look at the anger and glazed over eyes on the picket lines.
Well let me jump in there and throw my two cents in!
Life starts at conception, God knows this, he is there in the begining, I state my case on this:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Jeremiah 1:5
when we choose abortion we are curcumventing what God has begun. This is an important thing to consider, for we will answer for our actions. While I agree that there are some situations where abortion is justified, ie. rape, incest, or when the risk of the mother dieing is great by having the baby. But these are rare cases, abortion is not, we have wiped out an entire generation of tax payers, and who knows: one of those childred aborted could have been the doctor, or research scientist that cured cancer, and we still live with it because of it, abortion has become something we do when it's inconvenient, when we don't want our parents to find out we are sexually active. WHAT A SHAME!!! Our own selfishness has caused us to commit murder over and over again. and we want the world to think this is ok??
So, because you have "the right" of control over your body, that gives you the right to murder another human being taking away their right of control over their body. Where did you get that right? The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19 "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body." How do you figure that killing an unborn child is glorifying God? Is it not just your own selfishness?
Common ground? Why didn' we just work out some "common ground" with Hitler, and let him only kill those in his own country who were infringing on his right to of control over his own country? a Female-American, the way I see it is this. It's my body, my life, my decision to make. End. of. story. Others may agree or disagree with me, that's fine. Y'all know what they say about opinions, right? However, I would be the one to have to deal with the consequences of a pregnancy, so, in my opinion, I'm the one who's got the say in it.
Yeah, I know that the religions types out there want to holler about saving the babies, and so on, but, how many of 'em do I see putting their money where their mouths are? They'll jump up and down and whoop and holler about abortion being a sin and so on, but, once that child gets here, where are they? Another thing, find me a passage in the Bible about abortion being a sin. Keep on hunting, 'cause there ain't one. The only passage in the bible that would specifically address abortion speaks of remunerations if someone causes a woman to abort due to injuries.
That's my convoluted way of saying, as Hank Sr. once said, "Mind your own business, then you won't be minding mine."