I dont want tenth prestige, i want like 7th or 8th. If you could get me in one, i could have it posted on youtube and get you guys more people to have in your lobby, and maybe get you guys some Microsoft points, but you need to get me in for free.
Send an invite to GT:Kingshooz or leave your GT as an answer and I'll contact you thanks.
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No ones letting you in fo free... You must be stupid to think Simone would do that!!!
My friend is going to get a Jtag pretty soon. to the best of my knowledge it will be about 1-3 weeks i think. I know that friends will get in free and i know him in person so i can get in free. Maybe i can get you in for free if i say that you are my friend. Well if you are willing to wait for that long then my GT is G3TjzdON and im usually online. just one problem. my mic broke so i wont be able to talk at all. i plan on getting a new one soon though. ok well i hope this helped.
@Help needed not true a guy on my friends list keeps asking me if i want it for free but **** that 10th prestige looks shiiiiiit
30000 ms points or don't bother me