I'm 14 years old and Just started Year 10
In year 9 I had a stressful time at the beginning of the year with My uncles, both my Dogs and My Grandads deaths and I lost my best best friend who I had known since i was 3 months old because I didn't take her to see Taylor swift at wembley because she couldnt go and I became quite, I don't know how to explain it. I guess you could say I kind of went into a shell, I didn't talk much and I spent alot of time alone. I became really vulnerable.
Whilst i was grieving someone thought it would be funny to tell one of my friends that I called them Fat and I didn't but they would rather believe that lying Sh*t stirrer, for several weeks I had them ganging up on me for things I didn't do and Just when I needed my friends the most too.
We eventually made up and were okay for a couple of weeks and then it started again, I can't remember what was said about me this time but they all ganged up on me and followed me round school yelling inults at me and making me miserable. As if it wasn't already bad enough at school they then took to bullying me on Facebook, My sisters saw this and were furious.
The school Prefects heard us arguing in the toilets at school and reported us to the heads of houses and They sorted it out.
then about 3 weeks before the end of year 9 I asked a question on Facebook and they turned what I had said round and made it look like i had said something really offensive and ganged up on me for it. One lunch time i was sat on my own outside the science block and my Pe teacher walked past and saw me and asked if i was okay and wouldnt leave until i told her what was wrong so she then went to my head of house who got me out of Registration to talk to me and then he told their head of house who called us down to the offices and the 3 who had caused me the most trouble made up some lie and I ended up being punished for something i didn't do, She told me i was to have nothing to do with my friends and gave me Detention.
All this time i had never done anything, i had done nothing wrong and I was the one getting the blame.
I've just gone back to school in year 10 and I'm finding everything really tough. I see them all together in the canteen at lunch and break and I just want to cry. 3 girls caused me to lose 13 other friends. I used to be popular now im a no one and I don't know what to do. I see their wall to wall convorsations and they talk about meeting up and sleepovers ect and I just feel so lonely and left out. Even my best friend or Ex-best friend should i say who I have known since I was 2 years old ditched me because of everything that happened last year.
I'm so greatfull i have my guitar and Piano because as cheesy as this sounds I don't know where I would have been with out them.
I'm feeling so Lonely and Depressed and I Don't know what to do anymore
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OK i think i know what you should do first talk 2 ur best friend alone and explain 2 her and ask her 2 forgive u i know u feel like u did nothing wrong but be the bigger person ur the one who wants 2 be friends with them not the other way around and make other friends like be nice to everyone the geeks nerds rockers w/e be nice to everyone and youl make fiends you cant have enough friends
then once you cleared the air with ur best friend go 2 those 3 girls and tell them that the question wasnt offensve 2 anyine and ur sorry if it make them feel it did an say it nicely if they say anything tell them u really didnt mean it in a bad way an if u and the girls all be friends again once uve got all ur friends back dont be expected 2 be invitd out wth them u have 2 prove urself 2 them again and soo kets say after its been a while and u feel like things have gotten back 2 normal ask them 2 hang out maybe go out together but still dont expect it 2 be as good as b4 that will take time and be nice 2 everyone not just ur friends an lose the sad attitude dont talk about what happened last year just that ur sorry thats what i would do hope it helped and tel ur best friend that ur sorry for not taking her 2 the concert!
Hi Beckii,
I understand to some extent what your going through. I myself was bullied. My family was very poor an I had no father in my life. I had glasses an wore the cheapest clothes because we couldn't afford new ones.
I can say that you have been through a lot more then I have cause you have lost loved ones and that can be very hard but I commend you for being so brave and strong. Bullying can be real cruel and sometimes the kids don't understand the things you go through on a daily basis. You have it all bottled inside so thats why you are feeling depressed and lonely. I recommend that you talk to your parents or a trusted adult because most of the time they can put an end to the bullying and help you out and be there to listen. I would also tell a teacher or a school counselor or principal because they can take measures to correct the problems right away. Telling these people is not ratting because this is affecting you and it needs to stop. If you're somewhat religious then I would encourage you to pray to God because he can give you the strength to be strong and he will always be there when you need a friend. Just remember that the people that do the bullying are insecure about themselves, are jealous of you or have low self esteem and so they make fun of you and other people to make themselves look better. Remember that the bullies want to enjoy you reaction. So if you lash back or they see you cry then that will encourage them to continue harrasing you because they know its getting to you. As much as its hurt just ignore them or respond to evil with kindness and in time you will see that they will get no pleasure out of it and they will leave you alone. I know everybody wants to be popular and be part of the in crowd but in all honestly the popular kids are just followers. They dress, talk, an act like each other to fit in. Try to be yourself and be a leader and make your own friends. Music can also be a good therapy to help you escape. I love music because it makes me feel good I can tell it does the same for you. Continue to play the guitar and piano because it will help you get through these hard days. And just remember that after the darkness comes the light so just hold on and be strong and you will see that everything will turn out alright.
I stumbled upon your question/story & let me tell you I've been through the same thing in my year 11. (Going into 12 in a few days) & having your instruments isn't cheesy at at, its a great way of expressing yourself. My advice for you is to keep your head up high & be strong, don't let any of it bother you, and show that to them, they sound really pathetic to me, confidence is key & your whole luck with change around before you know it. I was going through depression & suicidal thoughts when this happened to me, and girl don't worry, everything will change, you just have to push yourself through it. Good luck hun xoxo
If you want to chat message me on my profile, I have MSN & facebook :)