we talk 24/7 on phone and texting she says she likes me and i like her but she had sex with another guy so how can she like me? and she never makes anytime in the world like going to the store comes before me and i always say id drop anything to just hangout with her why is she like this? we get along so well never stop talking on text but she wont make time for me??
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shes not worth your time, try finding someone who can actually commit to a relationship with you. Shes not playing hard to get, shes just not looking for a relationship. I say move on to the next one. And if you like keep her as your friend.
if she doesn't think seeing another guy is a mistake at all, then sorry but she's not going to change
BUT, if she does feel a bit bad if you talk to her about it, then proceed to step two: it will be hard but trythe cold shoulder for a while, make her try to get your attention for a while, and try not to be whipped and come every time she calls
-if she actually still cares to come to you, there's a chance; but if she makes you go back to obeying like a lovesick puppy, then salvage your dignity and move on
-seen this happen to a friend, try to save it this way, but take a hint if it's not working, good luck
Of course she can still like you! And her not making time for you is just who she is. If you don't like it, then you should really talk to her about it or end it with her.
Ask her if she likes you as a friend or someone to possibly hook up with. Liking someone doesn't mean you want to sleep with them, sleeping with someone doesn't mean you love them "sometimes it doesn't even mean you like them" ;) I think you are putting her on a pedestal be straight up and ask her where you stand. It will save a lot of pain and suffering.
'C'mon tease me I dont want it if its easy'
BOYS ARENT THE ONLY ONES, girls loveeee the chase, its the best part.
Make it fun, play gammmmmmmmmmmes, Im not saying go **** a million poeple and tell her about it but just dont let her knnow she has you wrapped around heer finger just yet, :)
Sounds like a slut who probably doesn't like you, but who's leading you on because she likes the attention.
She's probably just texting you for fun. aka, shes a WHORE!
She can still like you but not make timefor you. Okay that sounds like she doesnt like you. Hmmm. Idk. Sorry broski, but she sounds like a whore.