theres this girl that i really like and i have liked her for about 3 years now we have gone out once and broke up and yet we both still kinda like eachother but she has a boyfriend but they like never go out to the movies or anything with each other i talk to her more than him and i see her ten times more than him too i want to tell her but then i feel like i'm stabbing my friend in the back for trying to steal his girl what should i do???
Update:sometimes i dont call her and she ends up calling me at lest 3-5 times a week and i call her like 2 times a week and we can talk for ever
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dont steal his are stabbing him in the back. Find a different girl...or wait till she breaks up with him.
Yes, don't steal anyone's girl, especially your friend's. (I'll give you that in a minute) That is really mean to do to someone, so just wait your turn. When they break up, give her maybe two weeks to get over him before you make your move. Before you do anything, tell the ex (aka your friend). He may not like it, but at least you weren't going behind your back. Then tell the girl your feelings for her. If she still feels the same about you, then ask her out!
Okay, over spring break me and this guy (one of my now EX-boyfriend's good friend) admitted to having feelings for each other. My boyfriend found out, and since this was one of his top mates, he got incredibly mad at him and now refuses to have any contact with him. On the same negative note, he dumped me because of it and has said he can longer trust me. Please don't make the same mistake!
Stop what u r going for two weeks. Don't talk or see her for two weeks. If in the two weeks she call or approach u. Ask her what is she doing. She want to be with you or her boyfriend. Tell her that u like very alot and u want to be with her. BUt u feel bad if she is still with ur friend or her boyfriend.
this is just my opinion, a friend shouldnt go out with a girl that you used to date. that shows that he has already disrespected YOU so if yu really care about this girl, then u should confront her and tell her about it.
to what lostinyonkers said, i wouldnt go by that because women are not an item and shes not "on the market" or the boundary dater or w.e! just stick to being sincere and it will all follow thourgh
just be honest and tell her how you feel and you never know she could feel just the same and be ready to giver up on her present realationship and try something new.. maybe with you .. you never know... give it a shot!! hope i helped
stay out of it until she breaks up with him and goes back on the market.
You had her and it didn't work. Move on bro.