Why does the government think it's OK to rob from one citizen and give to another in the name of a child?
Who gave our government permission to turn their back on any citizen when all citzens are afforded equal rights under the constitution?
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Stop complaining and pay your child support.
I am not sure what you mean by second class citizenship. According to every State that I live in, the only real second class citizenship that we have is the ones who work hard and pay more in taxes than the benefits that they receive. The ones that have to pay for their own homes without help from any public or private group. These people tend to show up to work every day and love the struggle to keep from being one of those who is a leach on the system.
I am not sure where you get that all citizens are afforded equal rights under the constitution because depending on you decide what is "equal rights" you could be like the liberals that want to tell people where to live, where to work, how much money they can make, etc.
I believe that the United States was set up by dreamers and self made people who worked hard to create the great Country that we have. Since the robber barons in the late 1800's the government has been trying to take from the successful and give it to people who are not. I am not saying that we should not take care of the handicapped or the disabled, but we should not help the ones that can create but doesn't want to.
In Ohio...
Sept 21...PLTF submits Complaint for divorce, [false] affidavits, and a motion requesting ex parte order for temporary custody based upon the false affidavits.
IF the DEF has a lawyer, she will be allowed a hearing before her child is stripped from her. IF the DEF is a pro se litigant, she kiss kiss her kid goodbye until she proves the perjury of the PLTF.
In this small county, these trial court rules were written by Judge 'X'. Judge 'X' is the ONLY judge in the entire county. The Judge dirents the DEF to submit her complaint to the prosecutor's office. The prosecutor tardies for two months only to state to the DEF: "I'm sorry, we don't have the resources to uphold the perjury laws. We do not have the resources to prosecute your persecutor."
This [material] perjury is actionable. However, this is so, ONLY because this Judge 'X' has divided the people into two classes: He with Council, and He withOUT Council.
For your second inquire: I respond with a question: Why was Hitler's concentration camp idea successful? Who would stand down when they see another human being tortured?
Remember George Orwell's "Animal Farm" ?
Remember "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" ?
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