Ive just applied for university to do Graphic Arts and I was wondering if anybody could help me with my portfolio? I have never done any art classes so I don't really have much, except for what I've done hobby-wise. I know that I can put that in, but I want to do some exercises to show that I am capable of completing the course. Can anybody think of exercises I could do? If you did a course in graphic design or visual arts, can you remember any of the exercises you did in class? All answers hugely appreciated!!!!!
Update:Unfortunately all the schools in Melbourne (where I live) require you to attend an interview, sit a test and present your portfolio... just to get in!! Its crazy if you ask me.
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most students wanting to do a art major have to have a porfolio to enter. showing your skills and you strengths in design or illustration would be best. check out designiskinky.com for some ideas. its an art blog from some guys in your country. remember if they accept you at the school, your hobby will be a thing of the past. you'll need to be committed to art. that means drawing models, learning perspective, learning layout and design software, color theory, terms, art history, and so on. good lucks. yay 2points!
Many reputable private schools ask for portfolios, but it's hard for you to display somethng when you have never taken any classes that reflect graphic design.
I don't see how they will except you into the school without taking any graphic design classes.
You should seriously speak to the counselers there. There is a real good chance they aren't even going to look at your portfolio, and instead have you take some classes for credit to help you build that portfolio.
Nevertheless...show that you can design a Logo. Then take that Logo and apply it to business cards, letterheads, envelope. You should know how to use illustrator and photoshop to do this. I doupt hand drawings will be acceptable.
You should also create an imaginary page layout (like designing the inside of a magazine page), that has images and text..this will show them your typography and compositional strength.
Along with that, show your drawing or painting talents, whatever you have..that shows you are artistic and creative. Around a dozen total pieces would be great!!
I still strongly suggest talking to a counselors and having them show you some samples of what they are looking for. Then start working on your portfolio. Don't waste your time...know what that schools looking for, and make your portfolio accordingly.
Good Luck!
Okay- so do you want a portfolio of Graphic Design work or just general visual art? If its the latter sart with drawing from life, portraits are good, self portraits are good as well if you can't find models. Do a couple still lifes or arrangements of objects that are interesting to you. Linear Perspective drawings are also important. Play with composition and value. If you want to produce a graphic design portfolio then make up some business cards, letter heads, websites, etc ... make up flyers for a party. One exercise that I've done is I was given a short story and then after reading it we had to design a cover for it. In a graphic design portfolio play with typography, symbols, composition, colors and form. Hope this helps!
I'm confused, why do you need a portfolio if you haven't completed any classes. Usually your portfolio is a collections of works you've done in class or jobs to show what you're capable of. I never needed a portfolio to get into a design class. But if you want to know what types of exercises. Usually in basic design classes you work on corporate identity, business logos, letterheads, business cards, etc. And typography skills; laying out brochures and other such pamphlets that show your ability to flow large amounts of text into an easy to follow and read format.