i like this guy and secretly he likes me to. i use to date him so he wont com to close to me as a friend. i cant talk to him cause im afraid. i got hurt in another past relationship with a guy who emotionally abused me everyday for 9 months. i wont talk to him cause i dont want him to turn out like the other guy or i dont want to take him from all of his friends. wat do i do.
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well lady let me tell ya .... Time Heals All Wounds.give urself time and relax. dont put urself in a tight spot. move on mix around and u will noe that if that guy loves ya then he will come to ya.'whats yours, will be yours' if hes fated to be with you then dont worry
do not hold on to bad past relationships, the last thing you wanna do in looking into a new relationship is bring an old one out of the wood work. Most guys are not going to hurt you just remember that. Go up to him and just say Hi! See what happens after that! good luck
First, seek some therapy for the abuse you have been through and you may find that you have some patterns to work on in your social life. Second, if you two like each other-I don't see the harm in showing it. His friends will be his friends no matter what and you deserve to find out where this is headed...
well if you like the dude and he's afraid to commit you shouldn't even get wit him because he is still immature and he just scared that the relationship ain't goin to work but every relationship you learn what mistakes you made so it wouldn't be a problem goin out wit u. Now about the friends is he doesn't pay any attention to you and to his friends he's not right. Avi
Sorry about the emotionally abusing. That must hurt really bad. If this new guy is really nice you know what give it a shot! Good Luck!
Just go for it. If you think he still likes you then why not? The worst that can happen is that he says no. Thats better than wondering what if for the rest of your life. You only get one chance at this life. make the most of it. No fear.
R so many, but u can reduce to minimum if u try.Try for like minded guy if u want u can give time and do that. u can achieve better results what u want.
Give him another chance. My husband and i were best friends for a long time. Give hima a chace and trust him.
I think in this situation you should just ask him to out to eat dinner
Just be true to your feelings. Don't loose love because of fear. Fight for what you want.