i like this guy
im pretty sure he likes me
he flrits alot
i like him alot
i dont know how to show it
i want to flirt back but dont know how
he gives me hugs and i freeze up
i cant think when im around him which doesnt help :[
i need lots of responses
best answer gets 10 points
-riley :]
Update:well im not that forward where id just randomely walk up to him and be like "hey do you like me?". and its like lately hes slowly losing interest because i never show him any signs... and ideas on how to ge him back????
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hug him back.
talk as if he's one really close friend.
everything will soon follow.
just act normal (even if it's not, i mean, let yourself flirt around too).
just show him what you want him to feel by doing what you want him to do to you to feel that way.
hope that works
Try just telling him that you like him.
Tell him that you get nervous around him because you like him.
Relax and hug him back.
Hug him and kiss him on the check and then run away. LOL
Be honest, no matter what you say, even if you choke on it and stutter, because it will be cute and adorable (even if you don't think so) and honesty is great no matter what. It will do wonders for your relationship in the end and you guys will soon be laughing about how nervous you were at the beginning and how great things are now. Everyone is nervous in the beginning, he is just trying to show you that he likes you, so relax and follow suit or he'll give up because he'll take to cold shoulder the wrong way and take a hike.
Heyya..Aww bbe boy problems..well..I started off like this when I really liked a boy. Just take things one step at a time and then see where it goes from there. Why don't you meet each other ever so often. Don't freeze up when he gives you hugs.Just hug him back as if you are really good friends. If you have got him number text him every so often and then it will get to a point where he will realise the way you feel. Thats what happened to me and my bf. Hope this helped you.
DO you know i also have the same problem whith this girl i like but i somtimes am so shy i hide behind my friends when she is near so dont feel bad lots of us go through this and some have it worst then you.Dont worry he likes you too and a guy who is willing to love a girl even when he dosent really get any response must really love her alot so dont worry too much about what you might do to push him away and you should be able to talk to him soon.dont focus on what can go wrong focus on what has gone right and it'll soon all go right
Our minds are amazing creations of god they lead us to create our own joys,hopes,dreams but they also fill our life with sorrow,grief and self doubt.Our minds are wonderous creations which mold us with each thought so think positive and life will be positive.
I would have to say it depends on your age. Are you old enuf to be in a relationship? Are you ready for a relationship? If the answers to both of these are yes then i would talk to him. Ask him how he feels about you and tell him how you feel about him. Then kick back and see where things go. He might just be being friendly or he might like you. The only sure fire way i know of to find out is to swallow your fears and ask the questions.
Good Luck! Remember the way you feel about your self is more important then the way others feel about you!
aw this is really cute =] jealous!
but anyways. if he gives you huge hugs laugh and give one back. and make them looong and dont let go =] and maybe when yall are done with the hug, when you pull back, kinda like slide down his arm with your hands and yall can have that "instant hand hold" thing where you like touch fingers and then drop your hands. (btw. its REALLY cute if you understand what im saying)
i did that with this one guy and i would constantly give him hugs by like running up behind him and leaping on him or giving him a little hug from behind if your just in school and he asked me out. haha it gives them a hint. also, just text and i.m. him alot and yall will start calling each other and get together.
just communicate alot. and DONT freeze up. just act cool because if you freeze he will think you are uninterested.
i so hope i helped. if you have a question just ask me =]
u need to loosen up.. watch some realy sappy love movies like moulin rouge, the notebook, the perfect man..
My faves..
Look at how they act.
Ask him for hugs before he asks you.
Get his number and email or anything that will help u two's communication skills.
Become his bestfriend where u know everything about him before u two hook up because if u dont know anything about him... u wont have much to look forward to in the relationship, u dont know when their mad or how to reach them or whats right or wrong to say.
Hope i helped.. Bring on the pointssss
First..count urself lucky n blessed!someone u luv,luvs u back.!That should give u a good boost and confidence.Then dont do the mistake of being someone u r not.I have confessed to my luv that i luv him a lot but am nervous too and he made everything sooo easy for me.It worked out best for both of us.Try it,it might work for u too.Be youself..now chin up!!
Good luck
you probably did the final factor. If it would not artwork out with the different female then you are able to take a huge gamble. you're able to be able to desire to ask her first if she cares. you probably did the admirable factor. He ought to have in no way requested you if he ought to ruin up w/ her. That positioned you in a hard spot. wait and notice. See what occurs in case you supply it it sluggish in line with probability it relatively is going to ensue for you. purely bear in mind if he will so easily discard one how easily could he discard you? good success!
Wear something cute not overly sexy. And just be yourself don't get silly when he hugs you hug him back. Smile show him interest. It works my girlfriend done that to me and we are getting married next year.