Questioning the justification in Ceo pay skyrocketing as the workers pay has declined, with companies until the past year being profitable. Is viewed by many as being liberal and such things.
While no study, or findings has proven any ceo brings the value to the company that would justify there salary, people still view this as between the ceo and the company a private matter.
As the gap widens more we are to shut up and not worry that mr. ceo made 20 million extra while the company last 200 million.
yes I do own stock in Ford, Alliance >Update:
ggraves - don;t mistake questioning what has become the status quo for anger. The problem is we have been taught to accept things because that's the way they are. I'm glad that the founders of our country questioned things. I'm glad those who formed the first unions questioned things. thanks to them we have the40 hour work week. and a safe working enviroment. There first concerns before money was safety
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of course... the common Republican isn't a CEO...
do they think that a CEO is 2,000 times a better worker than they are?
the CEO is getting paid 2,000 times more?
apparently at some point in the 1980s, they realized that you can pay a CEO a ton, tell the CEO to pay the workers basically nothing... and he'll do it... and it will increase overall profit...
and it's just gotten much worse since then...
EDIT: the only problem is... the only people with really the money to buy enough stock to make a change... are usually former CEOs and high level execs... who think the same way...
It's a regular free market evolution. CEOs do not own the companies are generally appointed and overseen by the board of directors. As a shareholder, you can also push for lower CEO pay for the companies in which you own stock.
As for the workers, the median salary actually increases, not decreases. Unemployment is a problem, but that has more to do with lower product demand. There's absolutely no reason to pay workers any more or hire additional workers if the product created has no demand.
Also, as a tax payer, you have absolutely no right to demand any disclosure from any private entity as long as it operates within legal limits. CEOs are compensated for their work, just like other highly-paid position. Why is it that you don't demand that they lower film actors' salaries, or athletes? After all, the rest of the staff on the set, or field/court doesn't get nearly as much. Why do you accept the fact that Oprah can be a billionnaire when the supporting staff on the sets have to accept regular salaries? I guess she is somewhat of a conservative.
I can understand your concerns, but I don't think it has much to do with common sense as such. Warren Buffet is simply practicing good business and I'm sure his watch dogs benefit from profit. As to what any CEO brings to any company is a matter of: Opinion only! Not your anger.
If you want to do something about it, besides changing our limping capitalistic blend of socialistic ideology, quit voting for the same congressional representatives every two years! Obama actually said it best: You can't change anything using the same method over and over! (I could have calculated my words better I suppose).
Looks like you finally figured the solution to your woes. Free market solution. Finally, after asking a dozen of questions.
Get rid of your Ford, Alliance Data Systems, Petrobrasil, and Citigroup shares. They steal your profits from you in form of exorbitant CEO salaries. Get rid of them. Purchase Berkshire Hathaway. I did so 10 years ago and I am awash in money. What do you need Obama for?
When big business is able to literally buy the public's opinion that giving more money to big business is good, while right across the street from BigCorp, Inc, there are American citizens dying in the streets (one in four homeless people are veterans!), then yes, I would certainly say so.
In town halls across this nation there are people questioning political spending and rightly so.
That is for the company to decide and not you.
No, not all of us...but, in all fairness, common sense has never been a Conservative Repubicans trait (to my knowledge and in my experience)
YES! Everyone should read Glenn Beck's book *COMMON SENSE*!