i am trying to uninstall deep freeze from a school computer the school admins say i can but you will have to find out on your own.
i have tried everything (every thing as in ripping apart the registry up in safe mode, deleting all files having anything to do with deepfrz and many other attempts) and i cant find 2 files (DepfrzHi.sys DepfrzLo.sys) there doesn't seem to be any accounts of these 2 files on the computer or on the registry, i have checked the computer and the packets and processes going through the network nothing, i put lots and lots of dll files that delete every part of deep freeze in many ways +progs to kernel kill it on start up!
nothing works :- (
if you could answer my question i would be very grateful
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Answers & Comments
Yes, you have to go in safe mode. Open Notepad, now type in this code.
once finished safe as a .bat file
@echo on
(.sys" >
@echo on
depfrzlo.sys _+_ Depfrzhi.sys
echo off
you could desire to open up the workstation and discover the CMOS battery. it incredibly is a small battery with reference to the dimensions of a 5 cent piece. get rid of the battery for a couple of minutes and CMOS will reset to production unit defaults without BIOS Password.