Hi, When i apply the brakes it produces nasty sound from front driver wheels. Like something is rubbing with brake disk.
What does it means:
1- Brake shoe needs replacement?
2- Brake disk need replacement?
3- Brake Pad need replacement?
4- Or something else going to be happen with my Car.
please reply am waiting thank you so much in advance
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Yea, most likely new pads and rotors. They sometimes grind when the car has been sitting around - it's just surface rust on the rotors. It goes away after a couple times you use the brakes.
When the grinding gets REALLY NASTY - the brake pads are grinding INTO the rotors, that's why you have to replace both. Could cause even more damage IF it's been driven like that for a while !!
They don't use shoes on disk brakes, only on drum brakes.
Open your hood and examine the brake fluid level. As brake pads and rotors wear down, the level of fluid will drop. If the fluid level is lower than half way, you probably DO need brake service. Why not take your car to a brake shop and get a FREE inspection and estimate?ALSO>>>>Realize that ALL brake fluid requires a full change, just like engine oil does, every 2-3 years. These fluids collect water, become acidic, and then eat up master cylinder and caliper seals. Use only GENUINE honda brake fluid for this service. Call a honda dealer to see if they are running any specials on this. You can SEE your brake disc simply be looking through the spaces in your wheels. Most times you can see the brake pad thickness as well. Don't forget that there is a BACK side as well. Many times, the back side wears down first. Even if your pads are OK, you should install fresh brake pin grease if the car doesn't get driven much in a year. GOOD LUCK!!
1- Brake shoe needs replacement?
2- Brake disk need replacement?
3- Brake Pad need replacement?
4- Or something else going to be happen with my Car. Yes all of these are causes of the sounds of grinding front your front end. One thing Trouble and Alfonzo left out. The caliper could have seized up and caused the brake pads to wear out which would ultimately tear up your rotor. Have your caliper checked as well as the pads.
The only FREE brake inspection is a "VISUAL" brake inspection where the technician takes the flashlight and looks through the rims at the pad thickness (the wheels are not removed) If you want a full brake inspection (this is where ALL of the wheels are removed, pad thickness is measured, rotor thickness is measured and then an estimate is written! This will cost you about $19.95 (which is taken off if the brake work is performed)
sounds like new pads and rotor time!