I don't know whats wrong with me the last few days. I had my period about 2 weeks ago so I know that I am not going to start agian for a while. But I have been feeling very sad and weepy, for some reason little things have been makingb me tear up for no reason. My boobs have been a bit sore kind of like before I have my period, I have even been feeling a bit light cramping, do you think I would be getting my period agian so soon? What else could it be? I just don't feel like myself.
Update:I forgot to mention I am 27 years old and I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) so the chance of a pregnancy is slim. Been having unprotected sex for 3 years with my husband and we have yet to concieve.
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It could be that you're ovulating. When you ovulate you have a huge surge of hormones that make you feel weepy and needy. I was told by a doctor that it's nature's way of making us want lots of hugs from our partners that will hopefully lead to sex causing pregnancy.
Hope this helped!
Maybe that is just it. If u wantto conceive but just cant then that may be it.
Or your horamones are disfunctional justfor a little while, many people get it.