How do you English see the economic problems of Ireland? I mean, you obviously know about it, as your prince got engaged the same week and they were barely noticed. And one thing I know about the English: They like their royals for some reason...
So, how do the English see Ireland at the moment?
Update:It's not as if the Irish people wanted it. Our poloticains mislead us, and even told us that we we not getting a bailout, even though they were in talks about it.
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I cant stand our royalty.....they are parasites and bums on welfare. Ireland on the other hand is useful in that it is one of our best trading partners so needs our help. Plus Ireland shows that it wasnt our last government that caused the recession but bankers again causing mahem.
You are in trouble,you went through the false economic boom for over 10 years dubbed `The Celtic Tiger` The party was good in Ireland while it lasted and it made life in Ireland better than it ever was,the Irish got greedy and some were arrogant and even elitist about how well the country was doing in comparison even to the U.K and Germany etc, but it was all a false economic boom that was destined to bust like this one day. Why do you think Ireland was called the spoilt child of Europe after all the handouts they received from the E.U. paid for by British and German taxpayers.
Its nothing against the Irish or Ireland, you were buttered up by a fake boom ,to accomodate mass 3rd world immigration and the take over of your country by the E.U/NWO. This was all planned from the start. Its the tip of a very large iceberg as we will all witness in the coming few years.
We see you in the same way we see our selves. *In the sh*t because of a corrupt parasite parliament that is too busy feathering its own nest to be bothered to do the job it was paid to do, look after the interests of the people. If it were up to me, the whole lot of them would be swinging from lamp posts around parliament square. Traitorous b@stards. I would dearly love to see the individual financial dealings of your government over the last two years. I'll bet you will see that they new this was coming a few years before the people did. Why are we putting up with this criminal behaviour from our politicians?
I think it is ridiculous that people in the UK could contemplate looking down their noses at Eire when we don't have 7 billion to give away literally.
There is a paradox in that.
We see you as another poor country suckered into the Euro , Now having to pay the penalty
Just a group of people who wish others to support them.
With sympathy and empathy. It could be us also some times
''The only thing good that comes from Ireland is the ferry''