Every animal that breathes air has been exhaling it for millennia, and it never posed a problem until leftward-leaning scientists started basically saying that everything caused by humans was bad(carbon dioxide isn't ONLY exhaled by humans, but they are one of the species that exhales it.)
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They need money for their socialists policies and they need to demonize CO2 in order to attempt to get the gullible to agree to new taxes to pay for their spending. Since they couldn't' get Congress to go along, even with a sizable Democrat majority, they are seeking to go around the legislature and the people and force it down our throats like they did with socialized medicine. I doubt that Obama isn't going to ruin his reelection chances. If he is that stupid or ideological, which is possible, he will be buried in the next election if Republicans actually nominate a conservative this time. Americans don't want another tax and more regulations will stiffle jobs. We will see what these statists will do.
Carbon dioxide isn't a pollutant because humans breathe it. It's a pollutant because the increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2 (caused mainly by burning fossil fuels, and *not* by breathing) is causing rapid climate change which is endangering public welfare. Thus according to the Clean Air Act, CO2 meets the definition of an "air pollutant". The (conservative) US Supreme Court confirmed this in Massachussetts v. EPA in 2007. I wrote an article on the subject - see the link below.
Because, human activity removes fossil fuels buried below the ground (carbon that is not part of the normal carbon cycle) burns it and releases it into the atmosphere.
In the absence of human activity this carbon would remain sequestered below ground and out of the carbon cycle. Due to the potential harmful effects of anthropogenic CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, CO2 has been designated as a pollutant.
Well, CO2 is good for Plants, plants are part of Nature, so those who declare carbon dioxide to be a pollutant must hate nature! There's no other explanation: Save the Planet - beat up a warmist today!