How can I improve my self confidence/self esteem?

I am really shy and I don't have many friends. Well there are 2 at school, but they use me as a last resort if all their other friends aren't there. I'm a smart kid but because I keep getting distracted by my lack of confidence I don't perform up to my potential.

A guy has never even talked to me! Now don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for a boyfriend. I think now is the time to concentrate on schoolwork and all that other stuff can come later (I'm in high school by the way,) but just to have a normal, "hey, what's up" type of conversation would help me a bit lol

Any suggestions for imporving self confidence?


I agree with you blondie7. I see sooo many girls who have it all. They're good-looking, popular, and smart. I know I'm in a much more fortunate position than millions of others around the world, but it's kind of like, 'why can't i have all that too?' you know?

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