Im a teenage girl who recently moved to a shady area and i've been stalked and attempted raped once, and someone got fatally stabbed around the block.. is there anything i can do to protect myself,and maybe knock someone out if they try to hurt me? does that old "squeezing the neck pressure point" thing work? any help is appreciated thanks
Update:edit: thanks for all u guys telling me to get pepper spray tazers or stun guns.. but those sadly, are all banned in new jersey whre i live
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If someones attacking you, you don't use brute force against brute force. Plus as woman you won't as physically strong as your assailant(s). The best thing to do is carry pepper spray or a stun gun.
Something else that would be wise to do is make friendly with your neighbors so that way, if there is trouble, they'll be more inclined to do something about it, i.e. help/jump in or even call the police.
Pressure points are incredibly tiny and very hard to locate without proper instruction. That should be close to the last thing you would attempt on an attacker, below making him balloon animals. It won't work. The odds would be 1 out of a 1,000,000. I'm serious.
I did some research and pepper spray is legal in New Jersey, but under some condition: You have to be over 18, a non-felon and it has to be "one pocket-sized device which contains and releases not more than three-quarters of an ounce of chemical substance not capable of lethal use or of inflicting serious bodily injury, but rather is intended to produce temporary physical discomfort or disability through being vaporized or otherwise dispensed in the air".
If you're still unsure, you could look into a personal alarm. It isn't by any means a weapon, but will allert others or even scare off an attacker.
I wouldn't put all your hopes into a 1 or 2 punch knockout. Focus on strikes that will do big damage and then getting away quickly!
Eyes, Nose and Throat are your main areas to focus on in the head.
Poke the eyes or even just pressing your thumbs into them is very effective.
Hammer punch the nose and make it bleed or at very least starting running and cause eyes to water.
My favorite is a jab/finger/knuckle to the throat/trachea. Makes the opponent lose his/her breath and shocks the hell out of them to say the least.
Also, keep your house keys in your palm/fist with 2 or 3 keys sticking up between your fingers.
Hope this gives you some real advice instead of recommending pepper spray.
Outside of pure chance, you are not going to be able to knock an attack unconscious without any formal training.
Sadly, you live in one of the most oppressive state in the US when it comes to citizen's right to defend themselves. Tasors and other defensive weapons are not technically banned, but the NJ courts and LE who interprets the laws do not want to read the law in any other way than to strict ownership of weapons. NJ does not even allow retired cops to have firearms.
Short of moving out of NJ, your only other option is to take a self-defense class. As have been stated by others, the techniques for self-defense has to be practiced over and over until it becomes second nature. In a real life confrontation, you will not have the time to think about what to do -- you can only react and in some circumstances you may not even have time for that.
Some YMCA offers women's defense classes. Ask around and find out, since things as pretty bad there probably are others who have looked into this.
there are many techniques that would work to render someone unconscious,, there are many issues with these techniques.. 1. they don't work on everyone. 2. You have to master the technique to the point where you can perform it to perfection on someone moving around. like the neck pressure point (not the vulcan death pinch).. it is easy to do when your friend stands still for you (if you learn how to perform it, you cannot just grab the neck and have it work), but when someone is trying to grab you and defend themselves from you it will be very hard, if not impossible to perfrorm any trick involving cutting off air/blood flow. 3. you have to think quickly and not freeze up to even perform techniques that you have mastered.
the easiest safest way for you to render someone incapable of accosting/assaulting you is to buy a tazer or pepper spray and use it to buy time to escape, a women's self defense course might also work, but those techniques don't work on everyone, and you have to master them to the point of, again, being able to hit a moving, resisting target.
You have to hit them in a certain place in the jaw to knock someone out.. if you're a teenage girl you would have trouble knocking out a big guy.. buy some pepper spray
Carry Pepper Spray. Most females aren't physically adept to knockout the type of people who try to rape/mug (Lowe class people who grew up in a rough area).
You should invest in pepper spray, a stun gun, and a knife. You may not be strong enough to knock someone out, but at least you'll be able to defend yourself when another assault occurs.
Carry some pepper spray to protect yourself.
If you can't buy pepper spray, perhaps a small can of hairspray, bug spray or deodorant would be a good substitute?
Pepper spray and RUN!!!