It is possibly. You will need a large amount of determination and time, though. Start by just walking fast for an hour a day, then add weights, and swimming is very good, if you actually swim, though doggy paddling in the 6 foot + side works too, and it motivates you, because you don't want to drown.
well it depends what weight you are. If you're not use to dieting go slow. Try to eat less every day and work out more maybe even get into a program that can help you like weight watchers. I just suggest going slow taking your time and having some motivation and eventually you'll lose all that weight before you know it. =)
Answers & Comments
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you should eat at least 4-5 meals a day.
drink lots of water, and eat regularly. don't starve yourself, because once you start eating again, you'll gain everything back, trust me.
eat lots of fruits and veggies, and if you eat bread, make sure it's whole grain. white bread is pretty fattening.
skip out on sweets, candy, sugary foods, chips, ice cream, cake, and cookies.
if you feel hungry, but don't want to over eat, chew gum. it'll keep your mouth busy and it tricks yourself into thinking your eating.
cut out ALL soda! if you stop drinking soda, it helps you out a lot!
and don't forget to exercise!
try walking, jogging, jump rope, dancing, crunches, bike riding and swimming. try exercising for 45-80 minutes a day.
good luck!
It is possibly. You will need a large amount of determination and time, though. Start by just walking fast for an hour a day, then add weights, and swimming is very good, if you actually swim, though doggy paddling in the 6 foot + side works too, and it motivates you, because you don't want to drown.
well it depends what weight you are. If you're not use to dieting go slow. Try to eat less every day and work out more maybe even get into a program that can help you like weight watchers. I just suggest going slow taking your time and having some motivation and eventually you'll lose all that weight before you know it. =)
Yeah, the way to do it would be to NOT eat high fructose corn syrup. At all. Period. It causes water retention and conversion of ATP into fat.
If you are serious about LOSING WEIGHT, have a look at the list of sites:
Good luck :)
get a personal trainer :)
at the gym they will tell you everything
and make sure you do the workout!
thats what Id do :)
good luck!
what weight are you?