The United States, in a metaphorical sense, is the large, brawny mildly retarded bully that scares everyone in the schoolyard. We get whatever we want, trample over anyone that opposes us, and expect everyone else to praise us for it.
The U.S. is the only wealthy industrialized nation in the entire world that has a government as conservative as ours. Compared to the other wealthy nations of the world, Obama is a conservative. Everything we're debating right now has already been settled in other countries. Why continue lagging behind everyone else by electing another conservabigot? We need to change with the times and progress! Doesn't anyone realize how everyone else views us?
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Forget the world. Compared with the rest of congress, Obama is the most liberal there has ever been.
I prefer ubber liberal. He is a UBBER liberal, in my opinion. Get over it, people have their own minds, open yours and show some tolerance for peoples rights to see things differently then you. You obviously see things different then me, I don't ask " how could you" I understand the ying and yang of life. Conservabigot, very creative. You must be very young, Europe is taking steps away from socialism, Sarkosy is no socialist, Merkle not, Italy elected a conservative, Great Britain is thinking twice, and the list goes on and on. Please read more then the funny papers.
Obama is NOT a Conservative. He's a proud Card carrying Liberal.
Big government, pro abortion, high taxes, big spending, welfare programs, redistribution of wealth.
We're the bully who scares everyone in the schoolyard?
Do you hear yourself?
Our country was created 200 years ago, and in that small time, (through capitalism, innovation and entrepreneurship) we grew by leaps and bounds.
Not because we're evil, but because our country makes it easy for people to become successful.
Anytime we get involved in a War, we're the ONLY country that hasn't wanted to take over another country. We get in conflicts, because there are people who need our help.
i.e.- Jews, Iraqi's
If so bad, why do we have people immigrating ILLEGALLY everyday?! People come here, because they know - there is no where else on Earth Like the US.
Ya know what fence sitter. I'd rather be the large, brawny, mildly retarded bully who scares the sh%% out of everybody than a punching bag for the rest of the world. And on the subject of comparison, Obama is no conservative, while progress in your opinion, is slavery. I could give a rats *** how the rest of the world views us. If you don't like us, quit accepting our aid.
If we are doing so poorly, why is it that everyone uses the United States as the measuring stick to compare themselves to?
What other country gives out as much foreign aid as us without asking for anything in return. And this country would be even more successful if we returned to our conservative roots.
beacuse were america not the rest of the world
the US was based of conservatism so we are by nature like you said a very conservative country, bringing back hes is far left by our standards
but why would we use that based on other countries, we can say were violent and ''gangster'' but these people have never been to iraq have they
Could it be that his voting record is one of the most liberal in the government? That he studied under a communist mentor? That he is endorsed by communist nations and dictators as well as every terrorist nation and terrorist organization?
Komrad Obama supports the marxist principle of wealth re-distribution and even sponsored a bill to redistribute approximately 1 trillion dollars of America's money to the UN to re-distribute to terrorist and racist nations. PROOF: Here's his plan to have a foreign tax imposed on US citizens: Komrad Obama's marxist plan to redistribute America's wealth will break the nation.
If we cared how everyone else viewed us, we would have tied and gagged George Dumya a long time ago. Don't know if they think of us still as large and brawny anymore but they definitely think we are retarded now.
Bush Legacy
Oh yea Obama gonna change things alright...I'm just wondering if your ready for it....
That's what is wrong with democrats they always think to positively.
Its not going to be that easy....we have years of doom coming our way...
Were ahead of everyone else.Why do you think most others want to come here,legally or illegally