I mean, how are so many of them able to do it? Not only filmed, but having this type of sex with many men they don't know at the same time. How are women able to discard that need for "emotional connection" and guarding of their sex/chastity - regardless of money? I commented ' so many of them' because in porn and in escort clubs where women are employed where this service is offered >> we're usually seeing desirable (attractive) women doing it- which would suggest that a good deal of 'uglier' women would do it as well, right, if there was a demand for them.
Not just how are they able to sign up and contractually do something like this-- how are they physically able while in the moment? Do MOST women who do this have done this in their personal lives? (i'd doubt it). Women [from what they tell us] find it hard enough to have ONS sex with one guy without regret. -- how do any of them they do it with 12 ?
Update:Perhaps because the notion that all or even most women need an emotional connection for sex is a fallacy perpetuated by men who needed to assure themselves that their women will never stray, or their significant other is "pure" (whatever that means)."
Oh, so MEN were behind that one too- (another fault of women's that ultimately rests blame on men) I never knew that !
Tracey- women themselves tell us this, how do you blame this on men. "Well I dont know him all that well, I don't have sex until I know and feel comfortable with a guy".
... Girl has her clothes half off, is hot and ready and the couple is engaged in heavy petting-- " Oh, lets wait. Slow down. Lets get to know eachother better." .. What's all that about then ?
Update 3:_ _ _
By "group sex" In this example I mean
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"How are women able to discard that need for "emotional connection" and guarding of their sex/chastity - regardless of money?"
Perhaps because the notion that all or even most women need an emotional connection for sex is a fallacy perpetuated by men who needed to assure themselves that their women will never stray, or their significant other is "pure" (whatever that means).
Men and women are more alike sexually than most people like to think. Congratulations...you may have just uncovered a persistent gender myth.
Besides...porn is done for money, not for sexual kicks.
I knew it! I have been telling my wife this for years. Anything a man can do a woman can do, and most of the time better. I keep telling her that a man typically can't have sex until the woman says yes. That's all woman need to do, just say YES. Men on the other hand only wish we had the power to command this. Yeah, Men and women are more alike sexually than most people like to think.
Need to bring this up at the next feminist meeting. I'll let my wife read this and maybe she can bring it up at the next meeting. LOL
Damn gender myth.
Particle sounds right to me. This myth had to have been perpetuated by women who like to play up the OH I AM SO INNOCENT, I HAVEN'T BEEN WITH THAT MANY MEN game while still banging anyone who takes their fancy.
Why would a man perpetuate a myth that make him look like a sexist dog?
Because not all women actually have the burning desire for "emotional connection" that you assume. Sex and love are two very separate things which we are taught to connect by society - there is not an innate connection. Sure, sex is better with love, but that doesn't mean it can't be good without it. And "Chastity" is an out dated concept where I come from.
The reason a one night stand is harder for a woman than a man is because of the negative effect it has on her reputation. And partially because the one night stand guy very often has no interest in pleasing the woman, just in getting his own rocks off. Yeah, that's lots of fun *rolls eyes*
Women are just as capable of these things as men. Society, and judgmental people, try to tell them they can't. Personally I wouldn't like to have group sex at all, let alone on camera. I had a threesome in my younger days and it wasn't much fun, pretty much turned me off the idea of sharing for good. But I have absolutely no problem with other people doing it. It's none of my business. And, dare I say, none of your business either?
From what I understand you mean one woman and many men. So, we have one woman that we wonder how she can do it and not the 8-9 guys all ready for the act? Well this shows me a misogynist. And this : WOMEN CAN PARTICIPATE IN SEX, BECAUSE WOMEN ARE NATURALLY ABLE/WILLING TO GET THAT LOOSE..shows me hatred with a pinch of envy.
I think it is only for the money and the popularity. You may find it unbelievable but there is a big crowd following their carriers and the antagonism there is just as tough as in the other movies.
You will also be amazed if you knew how many do it for free but it is on the news.
My point is if you don't like it , don't watch it. And you know you are so surprised by what consenting adults do when they bust pedophiles' on the internet every week (in Europe, Australia, the States and elsewhere) ... and it is mostly men.
They are for sure doing it for the money but some women have the fantesy of having a train ran on them. Getting all that attention from so many at the same time might be a turn on. I haven't been with two men at the same time but given the right time, place and people I might go for it. Who knows it might be fun!!!
Tracey is right about the myth but wrong about who supports it. Why would men perpetuate a positive myth about women when we are all evil and only want to think the worst about chicks?
It is a myth but one perpetuated by women who like to play up the OH I AM SO INNOCENT, I HAVEN'T BEEN WITH THAT MANY MEN game while still banging anyone who takes their fancy. I think men are probably even more moral than women in regards to sex, men just like to pretend they have more sex while women like to pretend that they have less.
nicely, i will comprehend it because of the fact gay porn has some extremely stable looking men in it. If rapidly men could be became on by utilising lesbian porn, i don't see why rapidly women persons should not be became on by utilising gay porn. there is actual a sort of jap manga/anime (comics) which has gay male characters in it, yet is meant for a woman aim audience. curiously there are various jap women persons and females who like comics approximately "boy love". This sort is extremely distinctive from the gay comics meant for a gay aim audience.
The same way as a man will. Unless you are implying something sexist here?
It's called "I have less working brain cells" syndrome nothing more.
In other words these women are not very intelligent either that or they are sex addicts or sex slaves. Take your pick.