There is a pack of 4-5 coyotes that always howl and yap at midnight every night and all my dogs and neighbors dogs start barking all night long.
Also I cant walk my chihuahuas anymore because whenever I do one of the coyotes sneak up behind my dogs and try to snatch them. My male dog was almost killed but he is like a pitbull and fought back saving him. Anyways I am too nervous to walk them anymore.
The animal control refuses to do anything cause they are 100 miles away and not unless a person is attacked.
So I need ways to kill them. I tried stuffing gopher poison in meat but had no effect. Also tried dipping meat in coolant but they didnt eat them. So any other ideas??????? I cant use rat poison cause my dad says thats illegal and Id get in trouble.
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Contact the game and fish commission in your state or county and tell them about your problem. You didn't say where you live so I can't give you a link.
Also, check out the site link. It has some suggestions that might help.
Edit: LOL, anyone who thinks Chihuahuas are not fierce needs to see the link I added...
I am assuming you are in the country. They breed INSANELY fast. Neighbor Shot 78 one year the next they were everywhere again. So, ignoring the city people who obviously don't know what a coyote is, and what they do, and do not realize that animals dont behave like they do in Disney films. If you see a coyote, SHOOT IT. it WILL get your small livestock, its what they do. They have no natural predators, it's up to us. They hunt and eat dogs, cats, or any thing really. They will choose domestic animals over wild ones everytime, so dont give them a break, they wont give your dog one. Big ones arnt very safe either, i know of times a pack has killed and eaten a friends Pit bull/Rottweiler mix. Those you don't see, set a trap for, the spring traps work well. Holds it so you can shoot the bugger from a distance. If that still doesn't do it poison is your last resort.Go to your county extension agency, You can get poison there very powerful, made for Rats in Corn cribs and barns. Mash it up with Chicken Livers (its made into ground corn already) you will end up with a liver-corn mash. Set that out for him. I Believe you have the right to do that if you do that on your own property in an effort to defend your livestock, but call the Fish and game in your state to be sure. Oh and this goes without saying but tie your dog up so it cant get to the poison. (obviously) Good Hunting
Poisoning them is illegal. Don't make no difference what kind of poison you used. Now days homes are encroaching onto their territory & now you see them in all kinds of neighborhoods.
Don't make it an issue when the coyotes where there first. Just move away.
I like the sounds of the coyotes at night , that is just part of the S.W..
I live out side the city limits & there is a major intersection that most traffic has to go through to get anywhere down here in the Valley. So may sirens pass through it. My dogs howl with them. You can hear dogs howling from some distance away. I love it.
Coyotes are way to smart to eat anything with poison in it not to mention it is illegal. Contact the department of Fish and Game and see what they suggest. A word of advise also, if you have a fenced backyard for the dogs to go out in don't let them out alone. A Coyote can clear a 6 ft. fence with out a problem and be back over with one of your dogs before you can do anything. This is the time of year that Coyotes are feeding their pups so every small animal is fare game.
I have the same problem in my neighborhood, my mother inlaw actually had a coyote jump over her fence in her backyard and take one of her maltese dogs! They also take dogs of the leash when people are walking them. Coyotes are such a hastle! We have a BB gun at hand so if we see one we will shoot it without killing it, or severly hurting them, but hurting/ scaring them off enough so that they wll not want to come back. Also we blow a whistkle, and make alot of noise before we let the dogs out, or go on a walk. I would bring a big heavy duty stick and put some nails or some pointy object on the end of it, and take it with you when you go on a walk, so if they are there you can defend yourself, and your dog. I know this sounds bad, and alot of people might be offended or think animal cruelty to this answer but coyotes have actualy attacked a 12 year old girl out here, and they are not scared anymore, so if you have to hurt a coyote to save yourself, DO IT!! hope this helps!!
Killing them is not the way to get rid of them. You are just going to have to keep your dogs inside and and call the animal control center saying that they could attack a human and are attacking your dogs, so they will probably try to harm a human. Also, if you kill them, you would get in so much trouble so it's really not worth it, and that is cruel. The only thing you can do is try calling the animal control center and tell them that the coyotes are making you nervous.
It's illegal to kill any animals unless it's hunting season for them. I don't believe there is a hunting season. Anti-freeze is a good way to kill a dog since they do seem to enjoy it (we lived behind a mechanic and his dog died from drinking it) but I don't suggest it since it's inhumane and illegal. We have a coyote problem in our area too. Best bet is to get all of your neighbours to complain. They may do something then. A lot of places are having coyote problems and they're hard to get rid of. My friend's cat got killed by one and a lady got attacked where I live before they did anything about it.
I don't really suggest poisoning them. The problem with coyotes is if you kill them, they will reproduce to get their population back. They actually will breed more to repopulate their area. So it wouldn't really help you nor do I think it's legal or accepted in any way to poison an animal. Although I do understand your frustration, if one attacked my pets, I'd be pretty upset too.
First of all poisoning is not the answer. The only thing you are going to end up doing is poisonings someone pet or even your own dogs. Hire someone to trap or take care of it in a professional manner or start hunting when it is their hunting season. They have just as much right as we do to be here. I live in an area with many coyotes and had one charge me and my 110 lbs dog. NO harm and I have no problem with them.
Yes you can get in tons of trouble for poisoning them, more than not it is going to be someone pet you kill and not the coyotes
I live in an area where there are a lot of coyotes. Yes, they are annoying and howl at night but without them, we'd be totally overrun by rabbits. The thing to do is to not make your yard attractive to them. Keep your pets inside at night and don't leave out compost piles or trash. They will move on if they can't find food.
If you do not want to be around coyotes try MOVING!
How are you going to kill animals that are having their natural habitat taken over? Would you like it if someone moved into your backyard and started doing things to it you didn't like, took up space, and used your water and made a mess?