As in laws which govern firearms ownership?
What would you change about gun laws?
Personally I say let people have any gun they want. Even full autos. Draw the line at explosives. Explosives are not defensive weapons. Automatic weapons ARE.
If people are so afraid and freak out that they will get shot, then they should stay home.
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@ mr.danger. Then it makes my heart glow with gladness mr. danger, that you will never be happy. There is no one I would wish unhappiness on more than you.
@ justjose. Why only high school children? I think children should be taught firearm safety from the 1st grade through the 12th grade, and there should be extensive education about the laws (in local jurisdictions & elsewhere & how they differ) regarding firearms from 6th grade up. But the cry bay bed wetting liberals will not allow children to learn firearm safety, they even fight the NRA's Eddy Eagle gun safety program, being taught in school. They think the more children that do not learn about firearm safety the more children will be killed accidentally, and that will give them more fuel for their anti-gun attacks.
Do you also believe that there should be no allowable excuses for Human malfunctions" that result in unjustified injury or death to another of other things that kill people, either from direct handling or allowing anybody else to mishandle it? If you feel that way then you should also include automobiles, right?
Do you also believe that everybody should be issued a certification upon completion of (years) of training that states that they are fully qualified to buy, to own, to sell and to drive and to use responsibly, the automobiles of their choice, since automobile kills thousands more people each year than firearms?
Wouldn't it just be a great waste of tax money to "registered" people that never plan on owning a firearm in their life, (whether or not they actually choose to exercise that Right)? But tell us one thing that registering people would do to reduce crime, you are aware that 80 million law abiding firearm owners didn't kill anyone yesterday, didn't you?
You say "That, in my book, is responsible "bearing of arms"/gun-ownership.", I say that is the thinking of a typical Second Amendment hating anti-rights liberal. Oh your scheme of thing sis anything but draconian, it is right out of the modern day gun haters hand book.
No, we do not have to have every excuse within imagining, we only need the important one, it is called the Constitution, have you ever heard of it?????
So you would be fearful of their safe weapons-handling, yes that sounds like an uneducated gun hater to me. Do you realize that in 2009 their were only 800 accidental firearm deaths in the US, while we had over 42,000 accidental automobile deaths in the US in 2009??? No, I am sure you know nothing about that, you spend to much of your time crying about firearm owners, to have learned something like that.
Now, saying that was worth a lot more than 2 points to me.
How do you feel about gun control?
I am opposed to all gun control.
What would you change about gun laws?
I would repeal any and all laws which place restrictions on firearms.
Personally I say let people have any gun they want. Even full autos. Draw the line at explosives. Explosives are not defensive weapons. Automatic weapons ARE.
Explosives are not firearms. That being said, explosives can be built with parts from your local greenhouse and hardware store. If people want explosives, they will get them.
If people are so afraid and freak out that they will get shot, then they should stay home.
I got news for those people, if someone is going to attack them, they are going to do it whither they are armed or not. Seeing as how that is true, I would think that common sense dictates you would want a firearm to protect yourself from those people. Otherwise, you are simply putting yourself at a disadvantage.
I think the laws we have now are enough, they just need to be enforced and maybe ironed out a little in some areas.
That I've seen, the biggest issues facing guns have nothing to do with the guns themselves.
One side is the criminals, who are going to have guns whether they're legal or not. They're doing crimes already, why would it stop them from doing a crime if they have to do another one to get a weapon? The only way to stop them would be to step up law enforcement.
Another side are those who are mentally ill. Getting rid of guns or making it hard to get guns because of them is not only unfair to the people who are responsible with guns, but also to them. Because you're basically saying "I care more about preventing death by gun, then I do about actually solving the issue and preventing more deaths altogether."
Claymore mines in the yard, machine guns that pop up out of the ground like Rainbird sprinklers...neat!
Remember, bad guys LOVE strict gun laws. When they break into a house they they don't have to worry about the home owner blasting them to bits.
I am against gun control, but then I am one of those "crazy" Americans that believes in upholding and adhereing to the Constitution of the United States.
I believe gun control to the highest degree. I believe that guns are useless. they make my job more dangerous. I don't want to go to work and have the possibilty of someone shooting me. whenever I do a home invasion, mugging, or rape I want the government to make sure that I am safe when doing my job. Thats why I voted for Obama.
I must agree with you to some degree. I agree with the Answer provided by "Country Boy Liberal" to some degree also.
I believe ALL persons in High School (or earlier) should be instructed in firearms safety. Additionally, there should be extensive education about the laws (in local jurisdictions & elsewhere & how they differ) regarding firearms. I believe advanced first-aid classes should be included in the instructional format to deal with the rare mishap due to a real accident where a weapon malfunctions and injures the user and/or bystanders.
Additionally, I believe there should be no allowable excuses for Human malfunctions" that result in unjustified injury or death to another, either from direct handling of ones own firearm or allowing anybody else to mishandle it.
Additionally, everybody should be issued a certification upon completion of (years) of training that states that they are fully qualified to buy, to own, to sell and to carry and to use responsibly, the firearms of their choice. Everybody would be a "registered" legal gun owner (whether or not they actually choose to exercise that Right). Those who have any personal values or beliefs that cause them to feel they "would never own a gun" would be free to "opt-out" publicly if they were so compelled. Those "unfortunates" who prove themselves incapable of responsible behavior regarding weapons would be "opted-out" as they now are for Felony convictions, for instance.
Questions do come to mind however: How will we deal with "emotionally challenged" or "mentally challenged" folks as to "registration" as a fully qualified citizen gun-owner? Where is the "cut-off-point"? Can one be "opted-out" for a period of time due to "medical necessity" (emotional/mental instability) then reinstated? Can one be "opted-out" for a period of time due to "judicial necessity" (a conviction) then reinstated? Should one who injures another unjustifiably be held statutorily financially responsible first then criminally responsible (thereby compensating their victim first & foremost)? Incidentally, a "gun accident" means the machine malfunctioned; it did not work as designed! Any other "incident" is human carelessness or recklessness!
That, in my book, is responsible "bearing of arms"/gun-ownership. Now let us hear the excuses how my proposed scheme-of-things is draconian. Yeah, I agree, it is too stiff for our contemporary Americans. We have to have every excuse within imagining at our disposal to justify everything we want to do or to escape from! It simply can't work until we develop as individuals integrity, and as Citizens of a Nation a conscience, and as a Culture compassion.
I am seriously wondering about the "qualifications"of many of the folks posting comments in this thread. I pray I do not have to ever be within ballistic range of them should they possess a loaded weapon. Based upon the seriousness, depth, or respect displayed in their comments I would be fearful of their safe weapons-handling!
Politically, it is a settled issue. There isn't much difference between the parties on this issue and only about 1% of the population sees it as their primary voting issue. There is little empirical evidence to suggest any great deal of efficacy behind the laws, either.
I love your logic that, fully automatic assault rifles are "defensive weapons" and "If people are so afraid and freak out that they will get shot, then they should stay home." That is absolutely brilliant.
You are clearly not very educated.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
Yes. I would like a Ma Deuce for home protection.