So my class was in the library and while i was at the computer one of my classmates thought it would be funny to put a book in bag. A PMS book. So without knowing about the book our class left. Then all of a sudden the alarms went off and each kid had to empty there bags. Well guess what my bag set of the alarm. So of course when i took out the bag everyone in my class saw it.That news spread like wildfire. By the end of the period everyone in my school knew about the book. That was a week ago. I thought they would forget. They didn't. So now i have all my classmates laughing ever time they see me and calling out, "hey PMS" so what do i do?
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ignore them... they will probably forget about it in a week or two. just act like it doesn't bug you and they will stop..
Not funny. The first thing you have to do is realize that kids in school "are cruel!" That's the first lesson. Middle school is the worst. If you really hate your school days because of this torment, you can opt for being home schooled. There is NO EXCUSE for anyone to have to endure pain and displeasure with regard to attending school. You do not mention if you are a girl or guy. I do not suggest "hitting" someone, however, I will share a personal story. I was in 8th grade (attending a new school). A classmate (also new) felt it was acceptable to walk past me and call me a name (prefacing it with a swear word). I warned this person. I stated if it happened again, I could not guarantee what my response would be, but it might be unpleasant. The next day, the person did it again. I threw down my books in the hall, and proceeded to hit the person very hard into the wall. I picked up my books and said, "I wasn't kidding," and walked away. People cheered and clapped. I earned respect (not realizing at the time) that my action showed guts. I was not a fighter and that was the only time I was challenged. Try to realize that people who get pleasure out of hurting another person, are very insecure and need to feel "part of the crowd." Anyone who has any feelings would not laugh at you and there are probably a lot kids who did not find that funny. Unfortunately, you are focusing on the "ignorant" kids who think they are cool for hurting or taunting another person. Their only focus is outdoing one another with getting a laugh at someone else's expense. You do have to accept this is part of school life, because many people enjoy putting down other people. Do NOT TAKE IT PESONAL. You can always drop a note "annonymously" on the desk to one of these idiots that says, "I bet you feel real secure with the latest laugh you got? Paybacks are hell." Let that person "think" about the fact that you might be serious...and if the laughing continues or the gestures of making you the butt of the joke continue, find some people to pull a prank on the jokster; nothing harmful, just good fun that will make that person look rediculous. You might have to get creative...but it might put an end to you being taunted. Good luck to you and believe in yourself. Find some books to read from the library about how to deal with this issue... A LOT OF KIDS before you have had to deal with these feelings. If it gets real bad, ask your parents if you can be home schooled. My friend allowed her child to be because of the feelings associated with the abuse dished out by the kids. Good luck!
You....can' anything.
I'm surprised. I'd be totally freaking out if this happened to me. It wouldn't ever happen to me, but hypothetically of course.
Get your friends to stop annoying you. Try to stay around your friends when you're in the halls. No person, alone, EVER insults you when you're in a group of people who won't turn on you in any form.
Other than that, just find your only way to deal with it. You know, acting like a creeper is pretty effective at making people stop annoying you. I can't really describe what I mean. But hopefully, you'll get some idea of what I'm saying.
Remember: Life can always suck more. = )
I hope you're not in high school, because if so damn people we need to grow up a bit .
kick there butts
or don't talk to them and hide your face